Thrive State Podcast

EPISODE 105: Rapamycin and Lies Taught In Medical School

Episode 105: Robert Lufkin, MD

“I taught lies in medical school.”

This was a daring and HUMBLE confession from a professor of medicine–and he’s my attending when I was a first year resident at UCLA! Aha, I knew it!

Remember my story? It’s a similar experience I share with this professor. While I was at the top of my career as an interventional radiologist–well ahead in my career, financially rewarded, non-stop clinic hours–I got sick with diabetes and hypertension. I realized I wasn’t actually equipped enough to protect my health, and even that of my patients. I knew something’s missing or wrong.

That’s what got me to think real deep and make the big shift. That’s what led me to uncover the real myths and the real truths around optimal health, longevity and peak performance.

Same thing. When Dr. Robert Lufkin had four metabolic diseases, he also got himself into thinking: what am I doing wrong? After authoring over 200 peer reviewed scientific papers and 14 books that are available in six languages, and having the honor of serving as President of the Society of Magnetic Resonance Imaging, President of the American Society of Head and Neck Radiology, and numerous other professional affiliations, and inventing several patents in artificial intelligence and an MR-compatible biopsy needle used worldwide today as the “Lufkin Needle,” Dr. Lufkin took a big pivot and shifted to promoting lifestyle, especially nutrition, as key to approaching longevity.

He had the same reflection and admits we were indeed taught lies in med school. We were taught and trained in medical school to look only at one particular direction and ignore the bigger picture which makes all the difference in creating a long and healthy life.

So here’s to cutting out those lies and spreading the truth–

A short but crisp conversation about some of the biggest myths of conventional medicine and some important nuggets on how to reclaim our health and peak performance. We’re also sharing exciting info and news about the most promising anti-aginng drug, Rapamycin!

Catch Dr. Lufkin here at the Thrive State Podcast. Learn more about his work and his book at and this upcoming must-see free online Reverse Inflammaging Summit featuring over 40 thought leaders in the longevity space!

Show notes

Turning the focus to Lifestyle and Longevity

  • Dr. Lufkin admits that there is evidence that what we’re being taught (what he used to teach) in medical school was incorrect. Upon having four metabolic diseases, Dr. Lufkin himself started pivoting and implementing some of those changes in his lifestyle until he got off from meds. Now, his passion is to help send this message across the medical community and longevity and anti-aging space.
  • Nowadays, type II diabetes can be reversed by restricting certain carbohydrates.
Lies I Taught in Medical School: The Book

  • With each chapter featuring a “lie” he taught in medical school, this book according to his website is based on Dr Lufkin’s experience as a professor of medicine at both UCLA and USC, is a “riveting, cautionary tale of how medicine has gotten things so wrong (and continues to) in several key areas: how chronic diseases are all linked by common root causes overlooked by our system; how financial incentives, simple human error, and other factors drive the soaring rates of chronic disease; how Dr. Lufkin was able to reverse these diseases in himself by changes in lifestyle that anyone can do; and how to keep these errors from ruining your health.”
Biggest Lies Taught in Medical School

  • That a calorie is a calorie and that to lose weight, you just need to eat less and exercise more. It’s hard to exercise your way out of a bad diet. The more you exercise, the more you would need food. So you also must understand the different food groups.
  • That the best treatment for Type II Diabetes is insulin.
  • That in cardiovascular diseases, we have just been treating the symptoms but not really the underlying disease. Statins don’t really change things. Same with mental health – we just treat the symptoms.
Ketogenic diet has been seen to help some patients reverse their mental illness. Junk food has effects beyond cardiovascular diseases, cancer, and Alzheimer’s but also on abnormal behavior patterns.
Rapamycin is the Future of Anti-Aging

  • It is the most promising anti-aging drug. Studies, both ongoing and concluded, shows its role in slowing down menopause, fighting cancer, in Alzheimer’s and many other.
  • Rapamycin’s Magical Story: It has not been discovered until 1962 on a remote island with a very unique environment. At first, it was used as an anti-fungal agent for athlete’s foot. Scientists incidentally discovered its immune suppression function, including slowing down cancer growth. It enabled the discovery of arguably the single most important protein in all biology—the TOR, which single function is to allow survival.
  • There’s a whole theory of longevity based on TOR activation. FDA approved Rapamycin in 1999 but only in 2010 for longevity.
Robert’s Best Medicine: Lifestyle, particularly nutrition (what and when you them in the body).

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