Thrive State Podcast

EPISODE 07: World Building

Episode 07: Bing Chen

We are all born like assorted candies in this world, and there’s nothing we can do about it. That’s just how life is. BUT when you get packed together in a different box, that’s when it starts to suck a bit.

Living in a different country feels like being raised in the garden outside your home. It will make you feel all sorts of things, especially when you are still young. It’s completely normal to feel that you don’t belong – I’ve been there. But getting a chance to live with other people, of a different culture, and color is not wrong. Instead, it’s an opportunity to become a ‘better candy’ in our own way.

If this resonates with you then this episode is perfect for you! Listen to how Bing Chen, the co-founder of AUM GROUP, standardized equality and built communities that welcome creativity and uniqueness. He will tell you how being different leads to being connected.

Show notes

00:00 - 05:00

On Being Different

Bing Chen: “ And so since I was a child, and my heroes were Martin Luther King, Jr, Mother Teresa, I guess Gandhi, his agent, or was aged so Gandhi, Gandhi would be the one Rogers you know, the Reading Rainbow, do LeVar Burton, etc, etc, etc. And so I just always gravitated towards them. And I think when I moved to Shanghai, you know, it didn’t become any different, you know, our heroes just became Asian, but they still did incredible work were incredible human beings.

So I would say in media, I, my, my experience was not as binary as it is, for especially many Asian Americans where they crave to see the Asian superhero, Asian male, romantically that gets the girl saves the world. I never had that need. I was always just moved by great people who lead great movements.”

12 : 00 - 25:00

Early Roots in Digital Media

Bing Chen: “ And we’re like, you, we need you to do something. And so we have this deck. And I called it internally like the Walt Disney of 2010, which is when we started. And it was a studio system, global monetization, a talent incubator, like a global reward system in the form of gold play button, like all these things, and I can go over the actual strategy, but the idea was like end to end, how do you develop more premium content?

How do you distribute more effectively? How do you get credibility in mainstream media? And how do you sustain it through commercialization? And we ended up delivering on all of those efforts, except for one within two years. And within really two years, we took what was known as the Partner Program, which is basically as an advertising program into this massive creator ecosystem. .”

27:00 - 32:00

Personal Views on Hope

Bing Chen: “I know what hope is. And I’m a, I’m relentless as hell because I know what it takes to get through things because I’ve been through it. And we all have, like, we all are at war internally. Some of us just don’t show it. Right.

And in fact, I think that those of us who survived the most are the ones who don’t. And so I think that’s the best thing. It’s that like success doing great things. All that comes with a price. And that price gets bigger and bigger. The greater ambition is and so the question is, do you have the heavy hope to get through it? Or are you going to defect and choose the road that was all traveled by everybody?”

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