Thrive State Podcast

EPISODE 104: Resilience: Transforming Chaos into Magic

Episode 104: Dr. Neeta Bhusan

Think of it as a ball: When you throw or dribble a ball that’s too soft, it doesn’t bounce back. If it’s too hard, it can go haywire.

Same principle when we talk about resilience. It’s not about having to be so tough–it’s more than toughness. It’s having that ability to bounce, and bounce more consistently.

This is one nugget of wisdom I got from a recent conversation with someone who can definitely say, ‘been there, done that’.

And most people don’t realize resilience can be harnessed during the fall. People get depressed, unmotivated and feel hopeless when we don’t recognize or set our minds to find the magic in the chaos.

So how?

In this episode of the Thrive State Podcast with Dr. Neeta Bhushan, we’re unpacking the Bounce Factor and how to recognize the magic moment after a ‘suck’ moment . We’re also walking through the four stages that people would usually go through when they fall until they reach thriving.

Sparked by her own life experiences of loss and pain, Dr. Neeta Bhushan, a large-practice cosmetic dentist, pivoted to being a now best-selling author, international speaker, serial entrepreneur, sought-after leadership coach, and trainer on emotional management. She is the CEO of Global GRIT Institute and the author of best-selling books Emotional GRIT: 8 Steps to Master Your Emotions, Transform Your Thoughts, and Change Your World, The Book of Coaching, and The Business Book of Coaching and is realising VERY SOON her newest craft: That Sucked. Now What?

Whenever I look back at 2020-2022, I always think of this as a really great resource I wish we had been able to share back then. So don’t miss this now. Catch Dr. Neeta Bhushan at the Thrive State Podcast!

Visit and to learn more about her work.

Show notes


The “Suck” is a Magical Moment

  • Loss is inevitable, but it still sucks. Thriving is one of the stages as we fly forward. But before we fly forward, we have to embrace the suck that we’re in.
  • Through these moments that sucked, there are magical moments. Through the loss and dark moments, find the things you can lean on—like relationships.
  • When we have a cliche of breakdown, the pain is so big, we let people in. We can lean into those relationships.


The Bounce Factor: How do you recognize the magical moment?

  • Building resiliency is not having to be so tough. It’s more than toughness. It’s not about being so rigid. It’s having that ability to bounce and be agile.
  • Defining and changing your environment. You have to get clear about your upbringing. Get out of your current environment. Maybe you just need to do something differently, something that lights you up. Control your narrative.
  • Stretching your emotional capacity to feel. Spin your perception of the situation. Instead of asking “why me”, ask “why not me?”
  • Radical self-awareness. Make rituals that work for you. Create that wiring for yourself.
  • Key to resilience: You don’t need to necessarily fear or run away from those emotions. Sit in them, and allow your choices for yourself rather than run away.


From Falling to Thriving

  • Embrace – Embracing the fall lets you know that there’s something else that’s being asked of you. It can make you feel victimized but recognize that the fall is really the signal to thrive.
  • Ignite – Ignition can be a lot of things, e.g., ending a relationship, quitting a job. It is about making a choice for yourself. But that’s going to be uncomfortable.
  • Rise – Leaning into the discomfort.
  • Magnify – Starting to feel the newfound confidence.
  • Thrive – Knowing that you’re not immune to fall, but you’re saying “bring it on.” Recognizing that it’s part of it, and paying it forward.


Neeta’s Best Medicine: Being around water. Going with the flow and being one with the flow.

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