Thrive State Podcast

EPISODE 10: The Easy Way or The Heart Way – Master Your Cardiovascular Health

Episode 10: Brian Lima, MD

Did you know that a healthy heart is very crucial to living longer? In fact, the opposite can not only cut our life short but also give us a “heart time” while we are still alive. This is why we always need to be mindful of what we are eating, doing, and thinking. Not to mention that a regular visit to the doctor is also highly recommendable.

In this episode, Dr. Brain Lima will join us to educate us more about cardiovascular health. He is a Cardiothoracic Surgeon and Author of Heart to Beat. Join us and know how you can start the year right. You never know when a heartbeat is gonna last.

Show notes

00:00 - 05:00


Dr. V: “ So tell me about, you know, growing up as a kid, did you think, because, to be honest, I sort of wanted to be an actor or a comedian or a kind of person when I was growing up, but I didn’t have anybody that that looked like me. And I mean, you know, people thought of an Asian kids like you either do you know, medicine, electrical engineering, or you be a Jackie chan, and I don’t have any kung fu skills worth squatting. But did you want to become a doctor initially? Or was there something else in your mind?”

Dr. Brian Lima: “Once like your case, I really didn’t have a lot of role models. I mean, I had a Tony Montana Scarface, like famous Cuban, like, you know, profile out there. And I love football. And so I, I really went all in on that to see if maybe I could become like the only Cuban American football, I mean, American football player that it’s ever played. Yeah. But I quickly learned that was not in the cards for me. But yeah, I mean, I it was sort of a pipe dream. It sounded cool.”

05:00 - 15:00

Present Status

Dr. V: “So, you talk about heart transplant. Now, are you doing heart transplant? What are the main conditions people are needing heart transplant for? Do you find that it’s because of lack of oxygen like a scheme, a cardio, vascular type of diseases? Or what type of things are you transplanting hearts for mainly?”

Dr. Brain Lima: “I would say in buying practice as and I think it reflects, but most people see, it’s about a 6040, maybe a 7030 split, where the most of what you’re seeing is patients who’ve had long standing ischemic heart disease, you know, lack of blood flow, coronary disease long standing. And then the other, you know, 30 40% is everything else.”

15:00 - 25:00


Dr. V: “I think it’s so important to re emphasize that you not only prevent yourself from getting chronic disease, I mean, that speaks to a certain set of the population, but I have a lot of people that that I treat one on one in my concierge clinic for who want peak mental physical sexual performance, once you start to work on the same type of things that will prevent you from getting disease, you’re actually going to get the most out of your body.”

Dr. Brian Lima: “Yeah, it translates into everything, everything is interconnected. It’s not just you know, one compartment versus another. It’s your overall well being, your mental health, your social health, how you interact at work, how your performance at work, how you interact with your family, with your loved ones, what are you able to contribute? I mean, it’s all ties in and so I think if you can promote good cardiovascular health, it’s going to have a halo effect into all aspects of your life..”

25:00 - 39:00


Dr. V: “That’s not something I’m aware of the data on that, are we finding it has the same type of I know that they’re, you know, vaping? Does it cause some idiopathic pulmonary diseases? Are you finding it to have, you know, negative negative consequences to our cardiovascular health as well?”

Dr. Brian Lima: “ Right. I mean, even straight from the American Heart Association, they, they strongly advise to avoid any tobacco containing products, including vaping. And, and we’ve also seen this rash of, you know, obscure sort of AR DS cases, you know, one of my colleagues in Michigan did a lung transplant on a youngster, who I think was vaping with marijuana. So some of the chemicals that are used for these can also have pretty, pretty drastic, really negative impacts on the lungs..”

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