Episode 17: Serena Poon
I think at this point, we have come to a common understanding that food plays a major role in our health. Like MAJOR. Yes?
Not much convincing is needed for most people to understand that what you eat – what you put into your body among others – is just basically what your body yields. (Wait, still unconvinced?! Listen to my previous podcast episodes, check out my book, Thrive State, and we’ll see about that.)
But let’s dive a little deeper.
We also know that our relationship with food has evolved so much from the earth-to-mouth consumption that our ancestors used to have during the…what, hunting and gathering age? So the discourse gets a bit more complicated. It becomes non-linear—a lot of other things influence that relationship now.

Food carries not just nutrients but also messages. And our DNA actually responds to these different energies that they are interacting with moment to moment. Because the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual aspects are always in a dynamic interplay with our DNA that actually informs our health. When we eat in a state of stress, we’re not actually absorbing the nutrients very well and the toxins pass through the gut. And so even if all the right food is in front of you, they don’t necessarily connect to our healing intuition. But when we prepare and eat with gratitude—this emotion being one of the highest vibrational emotions and anti-aging medicine—food becomes more than a salad or a tasty soup.
To harness food’s innate gift to nourish our health, we should remind ourselves to practice a mindful combination of food, nutrition, and healing intuition. And Chef Serena, in our latest podcast episode, has been so generous in sharing practical tips and advice to rebuild your relationship with food as medicine.
From her personal experience taking care of her dad struggling with cancer and being sick herself with MRSA and then, Covid19, Chef Serena is just an inspiring example and reminder, even at a scary time like this, that our bodies are designed to heal and that Earth has gifted us with everything that we need to nourish these bodies. Not just physically but also emotionally, mentally, and spiritually. We have everything that we need to THRIVE.
Pro-Tip from Chef Serena: Do a meal prep ceremony
Before taking out those greens from the fridge or even squeezing the lemon into your morning water, connect with your gratitude. Connect to this powerful positive emotion until you actually feel it. Honor whatever’s in front of you. Even if it’s just a carrot. Don’t think of this as silly! Remember, whatever emotion or energy you transfer to the food that your prepare will go along with it as you eat or drink. Shift to a state to receive. Take each moment to savor not just the taste but the energy that food brings.
Show notes
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