Thrive State Podcast

EPISODE 80: Break Out of the Matrix and Step Into Your Genius

Episode 80: Robert Althuis

I know a lot of people in their 30s or 40s who are struggling–not of not being able to build their dream house, or drive a fancy car or travel to instagrammable places. They wander for their cause, meaning and purpose.

I found some very helpful questions to ask and reminders from a friend and great coach with whom I share a familiar story:

Take a break and ask: Do any of these apply to you?

You feel disappointed, stuck, restless, bored, unhappy, or even depressed.
Your old interests aren’t appealing anymore. Even wins aren’t as joyful.
You sense something is still missing but can’t exactly put your finger on it.
You desire to withdraw and find it more difficult to relate to others.”

That coach, Robert Althuis would say: Chances are, you feel lost because you’re awakening.

In this latest episode of the Thrive State Podcast, I’m chatting with Robert, founder and CEO of Sacred Wealth Institue. He is an author and Ivy-league educated former senior executive at GE and a successful entrepreneur and real estate developer. But wounding and calling brought him to help people discover how to get what money can’t buy.

You might have become big in your lane, but if you feel like your soul is lost, still wandering, or seeking something, we’re here to help you break out of the Matrix and step into your genius!

An epic fall from grace can be one’s greatest gift. Everything is always in perfect order. Everything is here for a reason, to give you something. So just ASK: what good in this situation am I not seeing now?

Check out the podcast here and Robert’s work at You can also use code: THRIVESTATE for a special discount on his courses launching at

Show notes

07:19 - 18:59

From wounding to finding my WHY

Moment of Awakening: I get richer, but it’s not making me any happier. I couldn’t look at myself in the mirror. The world may be applauding me but I know I was a well-dressed shark.

19:23 - 27:25

Living in the Matrix: Finite Games and Infinite Games

We are caught up in this Western society’s standards—playing finite games. Men play finite games. But the only game we have to play is the infinite game of evolution.

Playing the infinite game of evolution where you don’t seek any trophies but reach your highest potential. When you play that game, you can freely play in any finite game you want because you’re not attached to the outcome anymore.

Man is most nearly himself when he achieves the seriousness of the child at play.

We take ourselves and these finite games way too seriously. The only thing you should take seriously is your personal evolution and reaching your highest potential.

27:40 - 35:38

On Downsizing and Change

Genes that make methyl B12 and methyl folate are one of the most drastically influential for people with autism.

It’s not easy. But if you want to be free, you have to let go of the attachments to things that you think say about you as a human being.

The change process can get messy. But it’s a part of the evolution in you.


  1. Everything is always in perfect order. Everything is here for a reason, to give you something. So ASK: what good in this situation am I not seeing now? Difficulties and challenges are not random and are not punishments.
  2. Everything always happens with the greatest growth, prosperity, and evolution. Remember that we only see 1% of the reality—we see the effects of causes of what might be beyond what we actually could know.

No man ever steps the same river twice. This universe is changing eternally. So you’re never stuck.

36:10 - 42:14

Tools to Staying Awake

There’s a lot of chaos in the world right now. When you get triggered, tell yourself: That’s not me. It’s passing through me. I am not angry, I am experiencing an angry emotion. Keep your own tranquility.

Meditation can be used in a practical way. Like working out, find something that you enjoy.

Everybody is a healer—our job as coaches is to awaken that within people.


Robert’s Best Medicine: Self-Love.

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