Thrive State Podcast

EPISODE 109: The Power of Voice to Command Your Health

Episode 109: Marshall Davis Jones

Did you know that your voice has the power to command your health?

Most of us thought that vocalization is just for the voice artists, vocalists and public speakers. Modulation and vocalization were thought as just exercises and a set of techniques to improve the delivery of a song, a line or a speech.

But the voice, as executive vocal specialist and renowned poet Marshall Davis Jones puts it, the voice embodies our thoughts and emotions. Our voice can reveal where we’re from and how and what we’re feeling.

So, in much the same way, mastering the voice has lots of other benefits not only for the voice artist, not only in conveying our thoughts and emotions but also for our health.

Empowered voice techniques can win negotiations, deescalate conflicts. It can build or destruct relationships. The voice has a dynamic relationship with our energetic state, and thus, our health.

In this recent conversation with my coach, Marshall Jones, who is also the founder of MindBodySpeak, we devoured the power of the voice and give out some simple tips and exercises you can do to empower your voice.

Marshall has worked with renowned speakers, industry leaders and various organizations from youth development to law enforcement. He also sits on multiple advisory boards for tech companies as an expert on human vocal performance and affective presence.

Marshall was recognized as one of the top 100 Most Influential People of African Descent (2022) via the UN.

Find more about Marshall’s work at

Show notes


The MindBodySpeak Method

  • Bringing consciousness and intention to every single moment.


Mastering the Energetics of Voice

  • Voice is life. Speaking with distinction directly affects how safe we feel about externalizing our thoughts.
  • Talking increases blood pressure.
  • The voice makes an impression. The words are vehicle; the voices is the body. Being able to master the vocalization gives life and power to words.
  • Life becomes a reaction to what’s happening around us. In that reactionary phase, our voice is weak.



  • Most of the people who care about their voice are singers, actors or public speakers, in so far as the goal of delivering a song, a line or a speech solely. But for most of us, it’s just talking. But the voice can tell where you’re from and what you’re feeling.


Techniques and Things to Remember

  • The Yawn Stretch does things to our body. It helps in circulation as stress relievers.
  • Box breathing is a military-based breathing technique soldiers use to fall asleep on a battlefield.
  • We have to reset our system and maintain. Like what we learn in Thrive State, we have to do consistent maintenance for the long haul. We have to respect our biology.
  • Implementing little breaks throughout our day gives you space to command yourself how you want to show up. If your energetic state is calm, you can show up differently.
  • It is very challenging to sit in today’s world and verbally communicate safely. Everyone gets the wrong sense, and you can get canceled. Being comfortable on one’s skin is not just a metaphor; it’s also about how you feel with your body when you speak.


Simple Exercises to Start with

  • Watch the Age of Voice TEDx
  • Think about what you want to enjoy with their presence.

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