Thrive State Podcast

EPISODE 110: Protecting the Cognitive Health of the Women We Love

Episode 110: Kavita Desai, PharmD

Happy Women’s Month!

To all women getting this, we want to take this time to thank and honor you for being YOU. In many different ways, you definitely have impacted the lives of those around you. To the point that many of you tend to put your health and wellbeing last just to keep your tribe safe.

That is truly admirable. But we also firmly believe that self-care is not selfish. Things for your optimal health and longevity should not be the collateral for the things society tells us women should and shouldn’t do. And this month may serve as a reminder that: It’s OK to do things for YOU.

This is a reminder from Kavita Desai, PharmD, women’s health champion and founder of Revivele, a female focused health and wellness brand providing programs to help improve a woman’s well-being, brain health, mood, and sleep.

After acquiring a doctorate in Pharmacy from Ohio Northern University, and leading a great career as a in clinical pharmacy, Dr. Desai shifted to studying brain health, Alzheimer’s and neurological disease prevention, and how these diseases affect women. This pivot was inspired when her mother was diagnosed with early onset Alzheimer’s. Now, she consults with leaders in the field, and helps women address the many contributing factors in their lives and bodies that can impact their risk of developing these devastating diseases.

While in the Thrive State community, we provide expertise for both sexes’ optimal health and longevity, we are very much aware that there are many different aspects of our health that need knowledge and strategies specific to the male or female biology.

So we brought in Dr. Desai for a conversation and discussed very interesting facts about women’s cognitive health such as:

  • linkages of common female risk factors and Alzheimer’s;
  • gut microbiome changes during perimenopausal period; and
  • link to hormone decline.

Dr. Desai also gave very practical steps you can start implementing NOW–at home–to build preventative strategies for your cognitive health and overall wellbeing. And it all starts with saying YES to YOU.

Catch this very timely conversation to Protect the Cognitive Health of the Women We Love only here at the Thrive State Podcast!

Find more about Dr. Desai at

Show notes


From Pharmacy to Preventing Alzheimer’s in Women

  • I learned so much from my mom’s illness— not only about the disease but about living a full life. We don’t know how much time we have.
  • There are a lot of risk factors that increase for women during perimenopausal years, the same risk factors for Alzheimer’s


Why women tend to be more predisposed to having Alzheimer’s?

  • We don’t know the exact reason. But there are some facts that contribute to those risk factors: (1) women tend to experience stress and anxiety at greater levels, and (2) our gut microbiome shifts during the perimenopausal stage.


Does the drop in hormones have a role?

  • It hasn’t been studied well, but I personally do think there’s a link because the symptoms that men and women experience when their hormones decline are very similar to the risk factors of cognitive decline.
  • There are so many other conditions related to aging that we have to think about like osteoporosis, but we can use the same preventative strategies.
  • Women who undergo bioidentical hormone replacement say they experience improved bone density, cardiovascular risk factors and cognitive health as well.


Where to begin: The first step to prevention is to start with simple steps that you can actually do consistently.

  • Women often do not put their health first for many reasons such as finances, time, or priorities. But there’s a lot things you can do at home to start.
    • Diet – Our modern-day diet is not as clean as it should be. Eliminate processed foods and sugars. Glucose imbalance is associated with cognitive decline. Eat whole foods and clean protein, predominantly plant-based. Improve gut health by including prebiotic and probiotic foods.
    • Sleep – Prioritise good sleep hygiene.
    • Learn to be mindful to reduce stress and anxiety. Practice meditation or whatever that could help quiet your mind.


Women’s Biology and Psyche

  • Women tend to have diffused attention spans because they have to take the details of so many different things to make sure they can act accordingly and keep the tribe safe. Many people, even after knowing the things they can do, find it very difficult to start prioritising themselves because of this instinctual drive.
  • It has to be a personal choice. Us, women, have to recognize that it’s not selfish to do things for ourselves and our health. Happy mom, happy home.
  • Sacrificing our health and wellbeing does not necessarily better our families’ lives.


Initial Practices to Snowball-building a Self-Caring Habit

  • Start with exercise. As you try to squeeze in that workout in the morning, the more it gives you energy and motivation.
  • You have to have something that when you start doing, you will realize that the world doesn’t fall apart around you, then you can continue taking more steps to prioritize yourself AND fit in everything else that you want to prioritize.



  • It really takes an internal driver. Maybe it means hearing over and over again that it is OK to put yourself first because a lot of us are externally validated. It’ll come with time. But once you cross that line, it becomes significantly easier.
  • For men, allowing your partner that personal time is very important.


First step to YES

  • Start every day with a moment of being grateful for something in your life that’s created by YOU. If the answer is nothing, then you have to evaluate. Life is too short to not be bringing joy to yourself.


Revivele is a female focused health and wellness brand. Their program aims to help improve a woman’s well-being, brain health, mood, and sleep. Revivele is a company founded by women for women.


Dr. Dasai’s Best Medicine: Slowing Down.

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