Thrive State Podcast

EPISODE 108: Say Hello to Little Friends – Mycobiome Essentials Revealed

Episode 108: Mahmoud Ghannoum, PhD

Let’s talk about the mycobiome!

Wait, what is that??

Yes you read that right: MYCOBIOME. Not Microbiome.

We have talked a lot about the microbiome in the podcast. We know that it is the colonies of microorganisms that inhabit, protect and nurture our bodies. And we’ve invited experts who introduced us to this universe and also gave practical information on keeping a healthy gut.

But before there was a lot of information about it and advocates of looking at diseases from that place, there was a time when most people thought that bacteria were bad. Now, millions are embracing that probiotics contain good bacteria, and that it’s important to maintaining healthy microbiome.

But there’s another myth we want to break: People thought that microbiome contains nothing but bacteria.

Not too long ago, scientists have found and started studying the other inhabitants of our bodies. They found that it actually contains another world of living organisms that most of us have never really considered: FUNGI. And they compose what we call the mycobiome.

Over four decades ago, a lone scientist began exploring this critical but often neglected inhabitant of the human body—Dr. Mahmoud Ghannoum. He started his scientific journey in England, studying Candida and was the first scientist to identify over 100 native species of fungi in the oral cavity. Now, he is the Director of the Center for Medical Mycology at Case Western Reserve University. His breakthrough discovery of the roles fungi and Digestive Plaque play in overall gut health has led to the foundation of BIOHM Probiotic.

According to Dr. Ghannoum, like bacteria, there are good fungi and bad fungi. And they have a lot to do with our health, performance and longevity. They play together either to help us or harm us.

In this latest episode of the Thrive State Podcast with Dr. Ghannoum, let’s take a peek into that universe and learn from the master himself its importance and what we can do to maintain a healthy gut for optimal health, peak performance and longevity!

Learn more about the Gut Testing and Dr. Ghannoum’s work at

Show notes


The Magical Universe of Mycobiome and Microbiome

  • Everything plays a part in an ecosystem. You cannot isolate one part. In the microbiome, you should look at the entire ecosystem—not only the bacteria but also fungi. They play together either to help us or harm us.


Gut Testing

  • is a quiz that could quickly tell you presumptively if you have imbalance in your microbiome. But to get a better look of your microbiome health, there is a Gut Test Kit available now through
  • DNA testing of microbes (both bacteria and fungi) helps test out imbalance and pinpoint the things that are out of balance. Then it comes with suggestions for treatment.


Treatment Suggestion Approaches

  • Diet – You can regulate your gut within your hands.
  • Lifestyle – sleep, exercise
  • Stress – managing stress
  • Supplementation – Knowing first if there is and what the imbalance is about helps you target more specifically your supplementation needs.


Prebiotics vs. Probiotics

  • Prebiotics are basically food, while probiotics are live.
  • Prebiotics are basically fibers, which you can find in oatmeal, beans, etc. Our body does not break it down. When they reach the intestine, there are beneficial microbes that uses them as food and break it down, which then starts producing small molecules that helps balance our gut.
  • Postbiotic is a new area experts are looking. Instead of using live probiotics, you can either take the metabolites that the live bacteria secretes or the live probiotic and kill them, which makes up another form of probiotics. For example, it is very good for the skin.


Dr. Ghannoum’s Best Medicine: Perspective and hope.

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