Thrive State Podcast

EPISODE 56: Health, Wealth, and Success through a No Excuse Mindset

Episode 56: Maria Kang

Burnout: a state of emotional, physical, and mental exhaustion caused by excessive and prolonged stress. It occurs when you feel overwhelmed, emotionally drained, and unable to meet constant demands. (

Is there really a way to fight it when you have four kids, two dogs, an overly busy partner, and everything else?

Okay, we’re at it: You can’t control what anyone else does. The only thing you can control is what comes out of your brain and your mouth and your hands. So it’s up to you to choose whether life happens for you or life happens to you.

I recently had this super awesome conversation with the inspiring @mariakangfitness about what it takes to be a #noexcusehuman.

Maria Kang is a social media influencer, author, entrepreneur, and founder of No Excuse Mom community and she was telling me how she has been building a positive, go-getter, no-excuse attitude towards her goals and everything that life throws at her.

Her pieces of advice are gems not only for moms but for everyone wanting to declutter their life, realign their priorities, and just make 2022 the start of something more awesome!

Catch Maria unpack Health, Wealth, and Success through a No Excuse Mindset in this episode of the Thrive State Podcast. And of course, catch her on social media via @mariakangfitness and

Show notes


Life is not against you. It’s always teaching you something. I’ve learned so much and become so much stronger because of every single challenge I’ve had.


You can’t control what anyone else does, but if you could be that light in that role model, they will naturally gravitate towards you or learn from you eventually in the future. The only thing you can control is what comes out of your brain and your mouth and your hands. It’s all about the results that come out of you. DO YOU.


I believe strongly in the story that you’re telling yourself. We wake up every day with a story in our head and we really need to address, are we the victim? Are we the victor? Are we the hero? If you keep believing in that excuse, that’s going to keep you exactly where you are. Recognize and become aware of the story that you tell yourself.


Biologically, feelings of anxiety, stress, worry, or hate actually raise inflammation, lower your immunity, and put you prone to get chronic diseases. Changing your story can really change your health.


Influencer Burnout: You need to have a variety in your program. And you also need to figure out your why, which goes back to what’s your excuse. I’ve had steady content because I really don’t think about what other people want for me. I’m here not only because I want to serve you, but I want to serve myself too.


Advice for mothers (and not): You have to be very forgiving of yourself because you’re not always going to feel good at the times when you’re going to feel great. Take the breaks when you can. Have people around you that are going to motivate you. You are who you hang out with—No Excuse community. Continue striving, not just as a mother, but also in other areas.


Kickstarting the dreaming process: It always starts with a desire, with a thought, and realizing that I don’t want to be here. You have to feel that discomfort in order to grow. Daydream and write it down. Write that first step to manifestation.


Maria’s Best Medicine: Breathwork. Grounding myself and my spirit through my breath, work, and meditation.

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