Thrive State Podcast

EPISODE 55: HBOT: A gamechanging technology for Optimal Health,Longevity,and Peak Performance

Episode 55: Scott Sherr, MD

Have you ever tried diving?

I always thought it’s one of the most meditative of sports. I remember a professional freediver saying: your only competitor is yourself.

Training is all about resisting the instinctive reaction of the body to control rather than to give in. And many divers celebrate the calmness the depths and vastness of the ocean brings to them.

But it’s not only a mind and spirit thing. It’s really enriching even to the cellular level!

There is a gamechanging technology now used for optimal health, longevity and peak performance: HBOT or hyperbaric oxygen therapy.

It’s insipration? Diving.

HBOT actually originated as a treatment for the bends or the decompression illness, which can happen if divers come up too fast from the surface. It combines increased atmospheric pressure and increased oxygen to boost energy at the cellular level—right at the very core of our energy production in the mitochondria!

It mimics that environment of depth and calmness of the ocean but used with hard science and precision for optimum health benefits and even therapeutic for certain conditions.

Unpacking with us the latest on hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) is Dr. Scott Sherr, a Board Certified Internal Medicine Physician Certified in Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT) and Health Optimization Medicine (HOMe).

Dr. Scott is the founder of Integrative HBOT and is one of the few providers in the world who
uses an integrative approach to HBOT. This approach includes cutting-edge and dynamic HBOT
protocols, comprehensive laboratory testing (using the HOMe framework), targeted
supplementation, personal practices, synergistic technologies (new and ancient).

Watch the episode of the Thrive State podcast with Dr. Scott Sherr and is not one you would want to miss! Catch Dr. Sherr take us through the science of HBOT and the many health benefits it brings! And explore more of his work at

Show notes


Health Optimization Medicine: a nonprofit educating doctors on root cause health. We’re more interested in focusing on health and health-related metrics. We have a certification course for doctors and practitioners


Integrative Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy: 80% of it has nothing to do with hyperbaric therapy at all and about 20% is about hyperbaric therapy. It’s this fantastic tool to help with accelerating healing, recovery, and optimization.


Pathophysiology of hyperbaric therapy: We typically carry oxygen through the red blood cells traveling through the blood vessels in our body. Once the oxygen gets to your cells, it gets to the mitochondria, which is a very specialized organelle that allows you to make ATP, which is the currency of energy.


Long-term benefits of HBOT: It is the epigenetic shifts that happen on your DNA. The more long-term you drive epigenetic changes to our DNA that drive angiogenesis, which increase in blood flow along with a decrease in inflammation and a boost in immunity.


Medical Indications for HBOT (covered by most insurance): Diabetic foot ulcers, radiation injury from cancer treatment, chronic bone infections, osteomyelitis, cyanide poisonings, necrotizing fasciitis, acute traumas, compartment syndrome, partial limb amputations, scorpion bites.


HBOT for investigational conditions: Synergizer and accelerator, not only of healing, but also of optimizing and improving performance. It’s been shown that hyperbaric therapy can reverse hallmarks of aging like senescent cells, erectile dysfunction.


HBOT Contraindications: It’s a prescribed therapy. The main reasons you can’t go into a chamber is if you have a significant cardiac and pulmonary disease, decreased seizure threshold.


Mitigating contraindications: For seizures in the chamber and risk of oxygen toxicity, the best way is to do an air brake to induce hyperoxic hypoxic paradox (HHP).


Health Optimization Medicine Protocol: It’s about optimizing beforehand the levels of vitamins, minerals, nutrients, and oxidants, gut health, hormones, developed by Dr. Ted Archer Kosovan. It’s not changing the pressure, but changing the oxygen. But pressure by itself is massively therapeutic and has a direct effect at making energy more effectively, even without more oxygen in circulation.


Finding the right protocol: Make sure that the clinic that you’re going to has knowledge about how you can integrate hyperbaric therapy with other technologies.


Parasympathetic activities are extremely important and hyperbaric therapy can certainly be one of those especially the longer protocols they tend to become.


HBAPlus: Creating technology that makes it easier to use hyperbaric therapy in an effective, safe, and therapeutic way.


Dr. Sherr’s Best Medicine: Meditation. It was really transformative knowing that the external world is uncontrollable.

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