Thrive State Podcast

EPISODE 52: The Dickens Process – A Powerful Technique For Creating Lasting Change

Episode 52: Kien Vuu

Let’s say this is your chance for a do-over, to hit the reset button, how would you like to reconfiguure your health and life?

What if I tell you there’s an easy way to unload for good those habits and beliefs that held you off?

I believe the timing is perfect: reset your mind, emotions and make sure you cultivate the ones that will lead us to the best version of ourselves.

This episode is extra special because I’m going to share a part of my module from my very own Thrive State Accelerator about a teaching technique to help us step into our future stronger.

I’m gonna take you through a modified Dickens process as also discussed in my book, Thrive State.

It’s a gem I learned from one of my coaches, Tony Robbins, called neural associated conditioning. Here, we attach lots of pain for the habits or the things that we want to avoid and attach a lot of pleasure for the things that we want in our life.

So if you’re someone looking to implement changes in your life, ready to step in differently into 2022, and need a little extra boost—this is perfect for you!

Check out this technique and get a very special New Year’s offer. Just go to and use the coupon code VIP50 for 50% of the Thrive State Accelerator.

And if our podcast resonates with you, please consider supporting it by liking, commenting and sharing this video with your friends and family. Another thing you can do is go to, and leave us a five-star review there.

I hope this gives you a boost for 2022’s fresh start! Just a boost because remember, YOU are your best medicine!

Show notes


Neural associated conditioning: If we want more joy, happiness, a better relationship, health, career, we need to associate massive pleasure to attaining these things and then attach pain to the habits associated with things not in the thrive state (in the stress state).


Dickens Process: Dickens discovered that if a person started to behave a little bit differently, you also began to link pleasure to what would happen if you were to change that.


You could interrupt the patterns that led you to sub-optimal health. But if you’re going to interrupt somebody’s pattern, they’re going to look for a new pattern.


Modified Dickens Process Exercise: Be willing to experience some pain. This is going to be hard.


The Thrive State Accelerator teaches you how to master the seven bioenergetic elements—sleep, nutrition, movement, stress and emotional mastery, relationships, our thoughts and mindset, and purpose, with a bonus module on optimization.


The Thrive State: the energy, the epigenetic environment we give to ourselves, telling our DNA how to act and how to respond. And if we want optimal health, longevity, and peak performance, we must master these seven bioenergetic elements. It also prevents chronic symptoms like brain fog, being overweight, feeling sluggish, acne, pain, and chronic disease.


Once you get yourself to feeling really good, decide whether you want to change and you cultivate the hunger to change. Move your body. Breathe. And from this day, because of your decision, life will be completely different.


Installing Empowering Beliefs: Install those beliefs you thought about in the exercise and associate that into our minds and bodies. We want to associate all the pleasures of having those things and condition them in our body as a new belief, as a new way of living and being.


Uninstalling Negative Beliefs: This time when you go into your future, it’s a new destiny. Notice the positive, impactful things that these new health habits have in your life. Go ahead. Step into that future. Take with you all the successes you build day after day.

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