Thrive State Podcast

EPISODE 71: Nature’s Ultimate Biohack – A Primer on Fasting

Episode 71: Kien Vuu, M.D.

Try Googling about diet and sure you’ll find fasting.

A bunch of protocols include a certain type of fasting because of the many benefits it’s been seen to give–tested scientifically and through time (evolution even!)

Many people practice fasting for religious reasons. But it is actually a part of our evolution. Every religion has a fasting system, but they have different but similar versions of why fasting is practiced.

So how does it really work wonders?

Certain physiological events happen when we fast and there are certain time points where physiological benefits happen.

When the body senses nutrients, it turns on different pathways. And if they’re on constantly, it leads to cellular aging and growth. But if they do get a total reset, it leads to stress resistance.

In my latest Thrive State podcast episode, I’m unpacking the power of fasting, with my amazing community of thrive state-seekers.

So whether it’s intermittent, fasting-mimicking diet, or prolonged fast, there’s an array of benefit you can get. Literally, getting something out of nothing!

Tune in to learn about the benefits of fasting and top tips when you go on a fast! Plus I’m giving away bonus information about the hottest on this hack–ProLon’s Fasting-Mimmicking Diet.

Show notes

Definitions of Fasting:

  • Common Definition – abstinence from all or some kinds of food and drinks.
  • Physiological Definition – switching from external glucose for energy to burning stored fatty acids and ketones as main source of fuel.
  • Cellular Definition – absence of triggers of nutrient sensing pathways to stimulate stress resistance.
Not all fasting is the same: Less than or more than 48 hours.
Benefits of Fasting Hour by Hour: Glucose levels fall, food has been metabolized, growth hormones increases, stored fat is used for energy, ketosis, glycogen stores is depleted. Good for weight loss and metabolic flexibility. By the 24th hour, autophagy starts. On the 5th day comes a complete immune reset.
Fasting-Mimmicking Diet: When the body senses nutrients, it turns on different pathways. And if they’re on constantly, it leads to cellular aging and growth. But if they do get a total reset, it leads to stress resistance. FMD is feeding the body with just a minimal amount of nutrients that doesn’t beyond the threshold for reaching autophagy as if you’re doing a water fast.
Autophagy is a way of the body to “clean the house” or innate recycling.
Fasting with Food – ProLon (FMD): Fasting State – Autophagy – Renewal. The process allows the body to mimic the fasting process and get its benefits—healthy aging, weight loss, improved performance, increased mental clarity and energy.
Always be mindful when breaking your fast: have a transition day.

Top 12 Tips when on a Fast

  1. Water, water, and more water. Stay hydrated.
  2. Spice it up. Add lemon to your water or spices to your soup.
  3. You can still enjoy your coffee—but only one small cup, without cream and sweetener.
  4. Stay active. Light exercise.
  5. Share with someone. Talk about it so you can have people to support you or hold you accountable.
  6. Ommm. Meditate. Helps to keep your centered and focused.
  7. Be productive.
  8. Good night. Good sleep is one of the keys to health.
  9. Coach yourself.
  10. Give. Help others.
  11. Fast with friends.
  12. You can take it with you. Go out and enjoy the weather.

ProLon is not for people with allergy to nuts, oats, sesame. Do not fast if you’re pregnant or breastfeeding, pediatric, malnourished or underweight, and experiencing symptoms or treatment for an active infection or risk of recurrent infection.

Do’s and Don’ts

  • FMD is not designed to diagnose, treat or precent any disease states.
  • Consult your provider and continue your medications for treatment purposes.
  • Hydrate properly.
  • Expect mild fasting-associated complaints such as fatigue, headache, dizziness and difficulty concentration.
  • Avoid strenuous exercise and exposure to high or low temperature environments.

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