Thrive State Podcast

EPISODE 62: The Future of Longevity Medicine

Episode 62: Sergey Young

There’s hope in the future.

Imagine the world with people who can choose to live up to 100 years and still feel fit, young, and healthy.

Cancer and other diseases are minimized and almost gone or are treated as common diseases that are easy to cure.

With the help of the latest in technology like AI and visionary people in the medical field, everything is possible.

The strides is cience and technology, especially in the medical field, is making everything within our reach. After all, we do it to make our lives better, yes?

In this short but exciting episode of the Thrive State podcast, I’m bringing on once again one of the amazing visionaries in the medical field—Sergey Young.

A longevity investor and author of the book The Science and Technology of Growing Young, founder of the Longevity Vision Fund, he’s letting us take a sneak peek at what is on the horizon of longevity medicine.

In our previous episode with Sergey Live to 200: The Science and Technology of Growing Young | Sergey Young, he gave us a mind-boggling run through of some of the most exciting technologies and discoveries to living a LONG (literally) and healthy life. And this time, he’s back with more!

His story of how he found the Longevity Vision Fund, how he helps a lot of people and  about how he envisions fighting massive diseases and extend people’s lives with the use of the latest in technology is just truly inspiring!

Get the latest from Sergey when you can check out @sergeyyoung200 on Instagram and Twitter and visit

Show notes


Longevity Vision Fund: Supports entrepreneurs and scientists who bring technology to the old world of medicine.


In fighting massive diseases like cancer, the goal is how to cut the cost while improving the efficacy of early diagnostics.


The Future of Longevity Medicine: 1. Longevity in a pill or life extension drug. 2. Organ regeneration and organ replacement. Part of regenerative medicine. 3. Genomic medicine. Gene editing or gene therapies.


The role of longevity and health is the role of change. It is difficult for individuals to change and become healthier because of long feedback cycles. Wearables like smartwatches, sleep, glucose monitors give you instant feedback, stimulate you everyday. It is data-driven and technology-based, it is more practical and easier to act on.

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