Thrive State Podcast

EPISODE 53: The Unconventional Prescription: You Are Your Best Medicine

Episode 53: Kien Vuu

I’ve got some news!

Do you want the good news or bad news first?

I ask this question to my patients all the time.
Okay, let’s go through the bad first. Let’s get it over and done with so we can jump quickly right back to the good.

Bad news: Statistically, one-half of the country has a chronic disease. and one in four has multiple chronic diseases. Long before Covid, there’s already a national and global epidemic.

Modern medicine is the most advanced it’s ever been and we’re spending the most money we ever have on healthcare, yet we’re also the sickest we’ve ever been.

Why?? Because actually, over 95% of these chronic diseases have lifestyle components. It’s really about our choices–what we eat, how we sleep, move, think, feel, relate with others–HOW WE LIVE OUR LIVES.

These choices, especially living our purpose, even links it into our telomeres, which extend the longevity of our cells. This is our body’s way of rewarding us for living our truth and purpose.

Spilled the good news there…

Good news: This means we have the power to take back our health, to overturn this. The solution is within us.

And in this latest episode of my Thrive State podcast, I’m sharing a rehash of my own healing journey, the story that brought me to figure out my purpose and actually live it.

And of course, if you want to unpack these ideas, you should check out my book Thrive State and the rest of my podcast episodes where I talk with the best people in health, optimum performance and longevity.

I hope I’m a bearer of the good news in my own way by reminding you this: YOU are your best medicine.

Show notes


Chronic diseases, for the most part, are diseases of our choices. I chose my chronic disease. It didn’t choose me. There is an unconventional prescription: YOU. You are your best medicine.


I was overweight, diabetic, hypertensive. It felt horrible. Not only because I was sick, but because I was living in a lie.


Ishmael’s magic words: I’m just so grateful to be alive. And every moment I’m here, I choose to spread love and joy. He’s a guy who was about to die, teaching me about how to consciously live, reminding me that no matter what life circumstances, we always have a choice on how we show up and who we get to be.


Acute and chronic diseases are two separate things. Acute conditions usually have an identifiable cause such as infection or trauma. Conventional medicine is great at treating acute conditions. Chronic diseases like hypertension and diabetes are more insidious. They develop over time and although genetics may predispose us to getting chronic disease, they’re usually the result of a combination of root causes, including controllable lifestyle factors that make up the environment of ourselves.


Modern medical care is so focused on managing symptoms with medications that we often fail to eliminate the root causes of illness. But these symptoms are actually signals from our body asking us to take back our power and to step into the fullness of who we really are.


Science supports that our choices and living on purpose are our best medicine. There’s a field of study called epigenetics—epi, meaning above, genetics for genes, which demonstrate how external factors above the genes actually control how they behave. It tells us that it is our choices, the makeup, the environment of ourselves, which then dictate how our genes are activated or expressed.


How do you tap back into the purpose of which you were born? By thinking about the things that bring you joy. And if you could do that thing and serve others with that thing, if you share your passion with the world, that’s your purpose and your purpose is your medicine.


Austrian physician and Holocaust survivor Viktor Frankl: Between stimulus and response, there’s a space. And in this space is our power to choose a response. And in our response lies our growth and freedom.


If you have symptoms in your life, your life is out of alignment. Don’t wait for a shock. When you deny who you are, your purpose and passion in life, that puts a cap on your potential for health. Because you were born to be limitless, to feel exuberant, to bring something unique into this world.

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