Thrive State Podcast

EPISODE 131: Unlocking Inner Transformation: Exploring Tantra and Energy Work with Katie Silcox

Episode 131: Katie Silcox

In this captivating episode of The Thrive State Podcast, Dr. Kien Vuu dives deep into the realm of Tantra and energy work with the remarkable Katie Silcox. Prepare to embark on a journey of self-discovery, as they discuss the power of embracing everyday life as a catalyst for transformation and accessing your inner fire for personal growth.

Exploring the Power of Tantra and Energy Work

Katie Silcox, an expert in traditional forms of Tantra, reveals how Tantra involves working with energy, prana, and the inner feminine. It goes beyond daily routines and rituals, encompassing every aspect of our lives. By using the fabric of life as a tool for transformation, we can uncover our limitations, release resistance, and experience profound shifts in our consciousness.

Using Everyday Life as a Catalyst for Transformation

While daily practices like meditation, breathwork, and exercise are important, Katie emphasizes the significance of embracing the challenges and interactions of regular life. By pausing throughout the day and honestly acknowledging our emotions and sensations without seeking to change them, we can dissolve energetic and emotional blocks, ultimately leading to personal growth and self-awareness.

The Power of Sitting with Discomfort

Dr. Vuu and Katie discuss the profound impact of sitting with discomfort instead of avoiding or numbing it. They explore the delicate balance between fully experiencing emotions and thoughts without identifying with them. By cultivating the capacity to observe and witness our internal landscape, we can create space for healing and transformation.

Understanding the Internal Masculine and Feminine

Drawing from ancient wisdom, Katie shares the concept of the internal masculine and feminine energies within each of us. By embracing both the stoic, witnessing aspect (masculine) and the ever-changing emotional reality (feminine), we can cultivate a deeper sense of unity within ourselves and with the world around us.

Creating a Framework for Spiritual Exploration

In the conversation, they highlight the importance of finding a framework for our spiritual exploration. Whether through religion, nature, or simply recognizing the existence of something greater than ourselves, having a sense of connection and nestedness allows us to feel safe and supported. It’s about finding what resonates with our individual journeys and enables us to access our soul’s wisdom.
As the conversation concludes, Dr. Vuu and Katie Silcox leave us with powerful insights. They emphasize the transformative power of silence, encouraging us to find moments of stillness to cultivate self-awareness and connect with our inner selves. To dive deeper into the world of Tantra and energy work, pre-order Katie Silcox’s book, “Glow Worthy,” and unlock the secrets to expanding your limitations and embracing your true potential.

Join the conversation and listen to the full episode on The Thrive State Podcast. Follow Dr. Kien Vuu on Instagram @doctorvmd, and don’t forget to check out his #1 bestselling book, “Thrive State,” at For free breath exercises and longevity resources, visit

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