Thrive State Podcast

EPISODE 144: Elevating Mental Health Naturally: CBD, Purpose, and Wellness Insights

Episode 144: Dr. Josh Axe

In a world where stress levels are skyrocketing, and mental health concerns are more prevalent than ever, natural remedies are emerging as a beacon of hope. In the latest episode of the Thrive State Podcast, I had the pleasure of discussing the power of natural healing with none other than the esteemed Dr. Josh Axe, a pioneer in holistic wellness.

CBD: Beyond the Hype

CBD has stormed the health scene, touted for its miraculous capabilities. Dr. Axe demystified CBD, likening its calming properties to herbal stalwarts like turmeric and ginger. While not a panacea, CBD’s prowess lies in its ability to soothe an overwrought nervous system, crucial in an era where relentless stress is the norm.

Scientific evidence backs CBD’s benefits, with studies highlighting its role in alleviating anxiety, bolstering sleep quality, and even quelling inflammation, often contributing to chronic pain (Source: Harvard Health Publishing). As Dr. Axe suggests, incorporating CBD into a wellness regime, particularly post-dinner or during moments of high stress, can be transformative.

Purpose: The Ultimate Elixir

Perhaps most compelling was our exploration of ‘purpose’ as the supreme medicine. Beyond physical remedies, purpose offers profound mental and emotional healing. It’s the heart of longevity, as evidenced by zones worldwide where centenarians thrive, united by a life of meaning and community contribution.

Research echoes this, with studies illustrating that individuals with a strong sense of purpose enjoy a lower risk of mortality and heart ailments (Source: JAMA Network Open). This connection isn’t merely spiritual or philosophical; it’s deeply physiological.

Mindset: The Foundation of Flourishing

Our discussion wouldn’t be complete without addressing mindset. The perspective with which you approach life directly impacts your health. A survival mode, laden with self-focus, activates stress responses, whereas a mindset rooted in serving others fosters a sense of safety and connection, essential for health and longevity.

As you navigate your wellness journey, consider these insights from our conversation. For a deeper dive, I encourage you to read “Thrive State,” available at, where I unravel the science of bioenergetic health, offering a blueprint to a vibrant life.

Ready to unlock the full potential of your health? Register for our free online event at, designed to arm you with the tools to combat stress and burnout. Plus, follow @doctorvmd on Instagram for a regular dose of inspiration and wisdom.

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