Thrive State Podcast

EPISODE 151: Embracing Ancestral Diets for Modern Wellness: Insights from Dr. Terry Wahls

Episode 151: Terry Wahls

In a recent Thrive State Summit excerpt, Dr. Kien Vuu was joined by Dr. Terry Wahls, an esteemed expert in functional medicine and ancestral health. They explored the transformative power of dietary patterns rooted in our ancestral past and their relevance in combating modern health challenges.

Dr. Wahls highlighted the benefits of the ketogenic diet, an animal product-based diet high in fats and low in carbohydrates, drawing parallels to the eating habits of societies in extreme environments like the Arctic. She emphasized its effectiveness in managing cognitive decline, seizures, and mental health issues, citing its ability to shift brain metabolism from glucose to ketones.

Intermittent fasting was also discussed as a natural adaptive response to food scarcity, an approach that has been practiced by our ancestors out of necessity. Dr. Wahls criticized modern constant temperature control for its negative impact on metabolism, likening it to the harms of a sedentary lifestyle.

The conversation also touched on the importance of personalizing dietary choices based on individual health needs and family considerations, suggesting that while there are multiple effective diets, the best approach is one that aligns with the person’s lifestyle and medical history.

Read the full post for more in-depth analysis and trusted sources that elevate these insights. And don’t forget, this is just an excerpt from the Thrive State Summit – register for free at to access the full recording and learn from over 50 thought leaders in mental health and emotional wellness.

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