Thrive State Podcast

EPISODE 49: Becoming a Master of Your Short AND Long Term Health Goals

Episode 49: Giacomo Marquese

Full disclosure to people in the community: I’m not vegan, but I promote a very plant-rich diet.

And I’ve had guests in the past who have shared so much wisdom from the plant-based diet perspective. Remember the episode A Game Changing Approach to Peak Performance with Robert Cheeke?

Our ideologies might be different a little bit but I certainly am sure that our approach to health and life is very much aligned.

Mastering short and long-term goals by building good and healthy habits but strategically planned –taken one step at a time.

So here’s another piece from a very inspiring guy who has conquered the competitive fitness space through a plant-based approach–Giacomo Marchese! He is the co-founder of VeganProteins and Plant Built, coaching and helping people to take their health goals up to the next level with a vegan lifestyle.

Catch him (and he will surely respond to you personally) at their website

KV: Start with small incremental steps. Enjoying the process matters. Be creative at home; create the food.

Show notes


From plant-based diet to animal rescuers: they gave me more of a connection with what was on my plate–that it wasn’t just food, but a being. That experience started to connect the dots for me.


Incorporating more plants in your life: Step one, eat more vegetables. Be honest with yourself. Step two, do not think of whole foods in terms of needing to always eat more fruits and vegetables, grains, nuts and seeds. You can make stuff at home–make your own meat at home. Look for that information.


Vegan protein: It started as a supplement shop. The first vegan supplement shop on the internet helping those who had a hard time sourcing vegan protein powder, those going vegetarian and then transitioning to vegan.


Vegan Strong: Started as a collaboration with community and friends like Robert Cheeke–a documentary highlighting vegan bodybuilders on stage. It became a collab with organizers of giant sports festivals doing speaking, food demos, presentations, lectures with the message: Plants have all the protein you need.


Mastering short-term goals and turning it into long-term goal: You need a reward. If you don’t have something dangled, you’re not going to do it. But don’t get addicted to that carrot because then you’ll be shortsighted.

For long term success, which requires planning and goals and a schedule that is maintainable for your lifestyle, recognize what’s practical and realistic. Dangle the carrot, and think about something that you could do for the next 10 years and arguably the rest of your life.


Most important factors to incorporating a new lifestyle or habit: Accountability is a big one. Having an outside source, an accountability buddy or a coach or journaling are all helpful tools. Start small, enjoy the process.


Focus on sleep and hydration before you do anything else. If your sleep hygiene and hydration is off, everything else is going to suffer. Don’t get too caught up in the details. Start with your basic health markers and then work your way into the details. One step at a time.


To reach an extreme goal, no matter how efficient you are and how well you manage stress and anxiety, unfortunately, you have to take things to an unsustainable level. So think ahead and plan ahead. Because once you reach your goal, if you don’t have what’s next lined up for you, you’re going to fall off. There will be consequences.


Meditation for mental health: Both guided and not guided are beneficial. Take time to reflect. Make room for your thoughts and feelings. Don’t be afraid to reach out for health. Going to a therapist can be taken proactively and for personal growth.


Giacomo’s Best Medicine: Compassion. It tests me time and time again, separates me from my ego, governs my choices, forces me to reflect on and sit with my feelings.

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