Thrive State Podcast

EPISODE 68: BioEnergetic State Explained: Your key to optimal health, peak performance and longevity

Episode 68: Claudia von Boeselager

Here’s some of them:

  • Break the facade. Being authentic is key.
  • Your DNA does not define your entirety.
  • You can change the course. ANYTIME.
  • Choosing the reality we wanna step into and live in is very empowering.

And of course, YOU are your best medicine!

I’m releasing this fun hour of convo with Claudia at the Thrive State podcast and let’s review the philosophy, framework, findings behind my Thrive State book and course. Plus I’m also spilling some of my most practical tips and hacks on the bioenergetic model for reversing chronic diseases, optimal health, peak performance and longevity.

Catch yours truly with Claudia von Boeselager on the Thrive State podcast!

And that’s what ivy-league-educated Positive Psychology Expert, Celebrity Happiness Coach, Executive Coach, and Author, Rob Mack’s big reveal in this latest episode of the Thrive State podcast.

Happiness is actually our natural state. Overthinking, overanalyzing, perfectionism can be great for business but terrible for your personal life and subjective wellbeing. It’s terrible for happiness, peace and even self-love.

And it can be cultivated—not with money, titles or other worldly stuff—but with the simplest of things like our BREATH.
Rob is one of the world’s leading experts on the relationship between happiness and success. He helps individuals and organizations achieve an energizing balance of authentic personal happiness and effortless professional success, based on time-tested, face-valid, empirical data and timeless, transcendental wisdom.

Catch Rob Mack give us some very practical pieces to cultivate happines as a state of being and as a master key to success and health!

Show notes


As a radiologist, I know what those diseases looked like in the body. I was at the top of my game, but underneath the white coat, I was diabetic, had high blood pressure and I was on prescription medications. I didn’t like the man I had become and how I am as a doctor giving medical advice, telling people to be healthy when I’m walking chronic disease statistics myself.


Growing up from a refugee camp, as a striving immigrant was really something. There’s certainly some trauma that I picked up too, because there’s a lot of energy. Those experiences really shaped me.


Reclaiming my health = breaking the facade: When your body’s going through stress, like when you’re in that mode of chasing, you don’t feel those feelings of true gratitude. It was really tapping into who I truly am as a person–acknowledging, accepting, and loving who that person is. And then diving deep into nutrition, epigenetics and what it really means to be healthy.


Small adjustments to nutrition = huge shifts. Took the personal development route to understand myself and understand the emotional states I was in. The emotions that we feel every day actually dictate our biology. The spiritual side and community side also influence the biochemical changes that happen in our body.


Chronic diseases, Performance and Longevity: It’s all very related. It all boils down to the state of our cells—they work together through energy to form tissues, tissues work together through energy to form organs, organs work together in organ systems. And then they make up who we are. So if we want longevity, peak performance, and optimal health, we want all our systems to be optimal.


Our state has less to do with our DNA, but actually on how the DNA responds to its cellular environment. The bioenergetic state is made up of the things that you feed your cells.


# 1 BioEnergetic Element: Sleep is so important because it controls your circadian rhythm, which is really the ebb and flow of how your body responds. Get some sunshine, exercise, meditate; get rid of blue lights Good sleep routine and environment, journaling.


YOU are your best medicine: Stepping into yourself is a great starting point to reverse chronic diseases or conditions.


Emotional States and Health: Negative emotional states drive up the inflammatory response in our body. But as you cultivate positive emotions and start to feel better, you’re gonna start to think better, seeing things from a different lens. Positive emotional states are actually antiaging.


Dr. V’s favorite hacks to drive away negative emotions: Pause. Breathe very slowly. Gaze softly. Hero’s pose.


Bioenergetic State Framework: Our DNA is not a fixed thing. It’s how these genes are turned on and turned off on a moment to moment basis that determines how a cell behaves. The DNA is constantly listening and interacting with the environment that’s around it—the bioenergetic state.

42:12 - 45:14

Changing habits and routines: HERO Prescription. Hunger. Energy. Reclamation.


Optimization hacks: Ice cold bath, intermittent fasting.


Finding your Why: Sharing us with other people and the gifts of the struggle that we have been through and have overcome is our purpose—all the things that bring us joy. Our biology is really gifting us with abundant health in peak performance. When we know who we are, then we get to serve the brilliance of who we are with other people.


Importance of EQ: When you’re in those lower vibrational, emotional states of anger, fear, resentment, jealousy, worry, anxiety, your ability to think and communicate with another person is diminished.

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When asked what surprised him most about humanity, the Dalai Lama replied, “Man! Because he sacrifices his health in order to make money. Then he sacrifices money to recuperate his health.”

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