Thrive State Podcast

EPISODE 50: The Healing and Transformational Power of Breath

Episode 50: Kurtis Lee Thomas

When was the last time you paused and took notice of your breath?

Breathing is the most basic and instinctive activity for all human beings and every animal alive. So instinctive that we seldom pay attention to how it supports everything else in our system.

It’s like the anchor that connects us to life itself and to all the life forces around us.

But isn’t it mind-blowing how our breath can take so much part in our healing?

If you haven’t heard about it, I tell you, yes, breath heals. Breath transforms.

Throughout my journey writing the Thrive State book and doing this Thrive State podcast, I guess this recent work I’ve done with this amazing man has been one of the most transformative experience I’ve ever done.

And that’s why I want to share this precious gift with you in this episode of the Thrive State podcast: The Healing and Transformational Power of Breath with Kurtis Lee Thomas, founder, and CEO of Breathwork Detox!

The release of that emotional baggage I’ve been carrying around literally and all that trauma that have been building up in different part of my body through the years has been a liberating moment. And that liberation created more space to manifest the things I want to do and become.

So if you’re looking for clarity, purpose, vision, healing, this is it! I really encourage you to explore breathwork and breathwork detox. Catch Kurtis Lee Thomas on this podcast episode and connect with him at and @manfromthestars on social media!

Show notes


Finding Breathwork: Through pain and suffering—a horrible stomach condition doctors couldn’t explain. Chanced upon breathwork which paved the way for some huge emotional release, and my stomach pain was gone.


Breathwork Detox: As long as you’re breathing, you’re good to live in this world. But like yoga, there are different modalities. Breathwork detox is based on the law of attraction and the idea of manifesting.


Benefits of Breathwork: This modality will give you what you need—the opportunity to release your intentions and all. The results are immediate and undeniable. We live in a microwave society—we want to see results, and we want to see results fast.


Unpacking Breathwork: It is ultimately flooding your system with oxygen. Our breath is our connection to the source. It’s the one thing that connects us all right now. It removes all the things blocking you from your creativity.


Healing aspect: We have some energy, a vital life force flowing through us. It gets distributed through natis. One place in the body where all these intersect—your gut. Your gut is your power. 80% of the immune system is in the gut, and 80% of your serotonin is produced in the gut.


How breath moves you out of stress: We all have some form or level of anxiety. The body holds on to the past; we accumulate trauma in certain parts of our body. We have to clear our manifesting instrument. There’s nothing that clears our body as efficiently as our breath.


No matter what you have—a billion dollars or a dollar—whenever I see people breathing, I see children. I really connect with people’s inner child, and that is what makes this work so powerful.


What Breath will bring into the world: Healing, unification. Breathwork is the new yoga. It is the gateway to people’s awakening and to the inner part of ourselves.


Kurt’s Best Medicine: Of course, breathwork. And journaling. You get to connect to your shadow if you’re asking yourself the right questions.

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