Thrive State Podcast

EPISODE 40: From Mushy Fat Boy to Billion Dollar Body

Episode 40: Nicholas Bayerle

What’s your epiphany story?

As a kid, I used to lament being different from my classmates in terms of color, eyes and where I live. I wished I was ‘more white’. I wished I had the same place to start with. But that pushed me to work harder to achieve my dreams—or at least my mom’s dreams for me.

But I never really got to tell that story differently until I realize my purpose—and the purpose of that experience for me.

Like Nicholas. He grew up athletic, even the youngest kid in the world to ever race a bicycle on a track. One negative experience (in his family) changed the years that followed. But that also became the message that he has now. And it’s impacting millions of lives!

Nicholas Bayerle is the CEO of The Billion Dollar Body, bestseller author of The Modern Day Business Man, creator of the Billion Dollar Brotherhood, an international speaker, and Host Of The BDB Podcast. He has been featured in Forbes and Entrepreneur and spoken in front of 5000 people at Funnel Hacking Live. Nicholas is a devoted husband and father and lives in Austin Texas.

He used to be overweight and embarrassed. He was ashamed and living not who he was like. He was in a body that isn’t who he is. He would starve then crave. He would try different little things that end up him getting more down and frustrated.

Looking back to those moments, we realize we’re not trying to change the situation. We were just trying to do desperate things to get attention because we didn’t know how to change it.

Now, Nick is in the space of helping people in health, wealth, success, and more. Because he looked back saw his story differently.

He’s saying he’s no guru. But he’s definitely lived it and he’s out here sharing that story and the blueprint that worked for him helping and impacting through stories, brotherhood, and community!

Catch Nicholas here at the Thrive State podcast and connect with him at and @nicholasbayerle on IG!

Show notes


Two different types of people stuck right now: First type are those not educated on what to do, but super motivated. The second type are those who know everything, but are out of shape and overweight and don’t apply anything that they know.


Information – Application = Unbelief: No matter how much I get to know or how much knowledge I get, it doesn’t change my situation. I end up getting this paralysis from changing, then it creates more unbelief. We create distrust in ourselves.


Progress was addictive. You don’t have to hit that final destination. You just have to see progress and progress can happen really quickly.


I’m no guru. In my business model, I’m the reporter—I help my clients find answers by asking them the right questions. I’m not the biggest expert. I can just talk about what I’ve done, but I bring in the best experts.


People come to me: (1) They want to grow a business. (2) The community, the brotherhood. They all come here because of the stories: my story, other people’s stories, epiphany stories.


Epiphany story is like your carbs. It’s igniting the fire, like the little scraps that you use to ignite a fire that burns quickly. It’s gone by itself and going into ketosis. It lights you up and it keeps you fired and warm all night.


Growing a business through community: Most people say that you need to make money to gain influence, people’s respect, and following But it was actually the opposite way that worked for me. Grow it with your community. Communicate to the people what they want, and then give them the things that they actually need.


Most people don’t have a mission. They don’t know what they want to do. If I can cast a vision, like we’re the winning team, people want to be a part of that just because they want to be a part of the transformation.


Power of Mentorship: All these mentors and coaches are people that you can learn from to be able to have their ceiling become your floor. It’s like: I’m going to bring you right above me, where my ceiling becomes the place that you start out at.


Spencer Robbins was my biggest mentor: I learned not to overdo things. That what I need are boundaries to create freedom.


Spencer Robbins was my biggest mentor: I learned not to overdo things. That what I need are boundaries to create freedom.


Teaching people how to create a result, how to keep a result, how to grow a result gives them power. They have the actual power inside of themselves rather than outside of themselves to create a result.


Mindset and Health: Commit. Do what you said you were going to do after the feeling. Picturing you’re eating something you rave about only creates desire. When we don’t end up doing what we committed to do, we end up having distrust with ourselves, which is the worst distrust.


Building ACCOUNTABILITY: (1) Write down where you want to be and plan how to get there. (2) Focus on the actions, not the outcomes. (3) Build trust with yourself. (4) Just start saying NO.


Getting back to your center with the BDB ritual: Write out three to 20 things that we’re grateful for, write the intention for the day. And then that day, we make sure that everything that we do aligns with those things.


Nic’s best medicine: My experience and my relationship with God. Spirituality and being connected with sources.

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