Thrive State Podcast

EPISODE 115: The Thrive State Advantage: Going From Me to We

Episode 115: Kien Vuu, MD

Switching seats for now–here’s Dr.Kien Vuu, answering questions about thrive state, achieving the love vibration, happiness, and a whole lot more!

The book, THRIVE STATE, is coming out with its second edition and we’re always super excited to unpack the seven bioenergetic elements that you need to master to get you to the Thrive State.

Let’s dive in!

Show notes


Thrive State

  • Thrive State is a state of being. It’s an energy you feel in yourself, a frequency in your body, and that vibration goes out, and other people feel.
  • When we are told by the world that we are not loved, we start covering it up with pain and trauma and adopt being somebody else. We give our body stress signals—and when we feel stressed out, we don’t sleep well, eat well, move well, and connect well. This stressful signal goes to our cells, and information will go up, and our immune system will go down.
  • Thrive State is about the basic tenets of how to be a good human being. The Thrive State book is all the research about the fact that how we live our life is medicine.
  • The thrive state vibration is about giving love.


How we live our life is Medicine

  • Blue Zones are areas where people are living the longest because the ways they live life actually give them life.
  • Translating sociological data to biochemistry and molecular biology of ourselves.


Achieving higher vibration

  • Every single choice we make changes the vibrational energy of our being. And that vibrational energy does not only affect the people around us; it affects every single cell in our body.
  • We live our lives by remembering to make choices that create a beautiful life. We just need to understand that every single choice leads to an action or habit that leads to the vibration that we give to ourselves and the people around us.


Navigating Information Overload

  • There is a hyperbole of information out there. Finding yourself and space for yourself is very important. Take a pause. When you’re still, you activate the parasympathetic system. If you trust your intuition on the information out there, you’re gonna feel it and sense it, And with that, you can slowly take tiny steps to each and every choice that you make every day.


Happiness, Health and Well-being

  • Hedonic happiness is the pleasure that you get from things. You get the things that make you happy, so you continue to uplevel that for you to continue to be happy.
  • Eudaimonic happiness is the feeling you have when you are connected with something bigger. That is the happiness associated with purpose.
  • The things that put people in a stressful state are the programming and ego. When ego is always thriving, you are always looking to serve yourself, chasing success. You go to surviving mode. But when you are just yourself and telling your body you’re good, not stressed out, and enough, you are turning off the survival mode. You turn the thrive state signals.


Recovery and Technology

  • Technology is good but there’s limitations and limiting circumstances, like money.
  • They’re good for identifying trends but not necessarily accurate.
  • Best to ask yourself how you feel. Technology is not necessary to get you to your optimal self.


Work Culture, Sleep and Health

  • Sleep is not for the weak–we all need it.
  • We need to get a good night’s sleep to be in the best state.
  • If you want to have a good work culture, rest you people.


Start with the basics

  • Start with one, with the easiest thing for you.
  • For me, the most important thing is rediscovering who I really am.
  • There is love in every single moment. Continue working on all those different layers of trauma and old conditioning and the more you do that work, the more you will be aware that you are in control of choices that you make.
  • Breathwork has been transformative in unpacking the love vibration.
  • Advice from the Future Kien: You are nothing but love. Everything you think you have to do or achieve, you don’t have to. Recognize the abundant amount of love you have in your life.

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