Thrive State Podcast

EPISODE 132: Unlocking the Power of Your Nervous System: A Conversation with Dr. David Rabin

Episode 132: Dr. David Rabin

In a recent episode of the Thrive State Podcast, Dr. Kien Vuu had the pleasure of speaking with Dr. David Rabin, an esteemed psychiatrist and neuroscientist. Their conversation delved into the intriguing world of the nervous system and its profound impact on our well-being. Dr. Rabin shared insights on wearable technology, psychedelic medicine, and the importance of acknowledging and understanding our feelings. Join us as we explore the key takeaways from this enlightening discussion and discover how to optimize your nervous system for enhanced mental health.

The Power of the Nervous System

Our nervous system plays a crucial role in regulating various bodily functions and maintaining overall health. Dr. Rabin emphasized that we are feeling machines by nature, and denying our feelings can lead to mental health issues. By understanding and acknowledging our emotions, we create a foundation for healing.

Introducing Apollo Neuro

Dr. Rabin introduced Apollo Neuro, a next-generation wearable device that delivers soothing vibrations to our bodies, enhancing our well-being. It works by composing vibrations for our bodies, similar to how music affects our mood. The vibrations activate safety signals in our brain, promoting a sense of calm and helping us reevaluate challenging memories.

The Connection Between Tribal Civilizations and Intuitive Senses

Dr. Rabin highlighted the intuitive sense that tribal civilizations possess when it comes to understanding their environment. They pay attention to subtle cues, such as the movement of trees and the energy of the air, which allow them to predict upcoming events. In modern society, we have lost touch with these intuitive abilities, but through technologies like Apollo Neuro, we can tap into our innate senses.

Psychedelic Medicine and Mainstream Use

Dr. Vuu and Dr. Rabin discussed the potential of psychedelic medicine in mainstream healthcare. These medicines amplify safety pathways in the brain, enabling individuals to feel safe enough to reevaluate traumatic memories. While currently, only ketamine is legally used in clinical settings, there is growing interest in adopting psychedelics for broader therapeutic purposes.

The Impact of Movement on Well-being

Dr. Rabin shared the transformative power of movement as a form of medicine. Incorporating regular exercise and movement routines into our lives can significantly improve energy levels, sleep quality, and overall well-being. Movement serves as a gateway to deeper healing and self-discovery.
Dr. David Rabin’s insights on the nervous system and its role in our well-being provide a valuable roadmap to achieving optimal mental health. By embracing technologies like Apollo Neuro, exploring the potential of psychedelic medicine, and prioritizing movement in our daily lives, we can unlock the power of our nervous systems and thrive in a state of holistic wellness.

Don’t miss the full conversation between Dr. Kien Vuu and Dr. David Rabin on the Thrive State Podcast. Follow Dr. V on social media @doctorvmd and learn more about his bestselling book, “Thrive State,” at For free breath exercises and longevity resources, visit

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