Thrive State Podcast

EPISODE 77: How to Elevate Your Vibe and Attract Your Tribe

Episode 77: Craig Siegel

The Wall Street. This place, apart from being the center of finance and economy, has become a jungle for corporate career-savvy people. Constant seeking, highly competitive. Most would argue, financially rewarding.

For Craig Siegel, Wall Street rookie-turned personal development guru, it’s lucrative to be king in that jungle but the question is, is that the tribe you truly want to belong to?

Same dilemma I had when I was working endless shifts and building a career in my practice as interventional radiology doctor–I earn good money, travel around the country to speak but I know in my heart, something’s not aligned, not authentic about that doctor.

So how did we realize that ‘it’s time’? What was our awakening moment? How do you know when it’s yours? How can you find your center and alignment?

In the latest episode of the Thrive State Podcast, Craig and I are talking about how to elevate your vibe and attract your tribe.

Craig, founder and CEO of Cultivate Lasting Symphony (CLS), is a value – based and high energy Keynote Speaker and rising thought leader, as featured in Entrepreneur and endorsed by some of the world’s most well known celebrities, entertainers, athletes, and entrepreneurs.

Talking about breaking the DMN (default mode network) and limiting beliefs, cultivating awareness and building habits to operate in higher vibration and frequency–Craig and I are breaking some news for you: We are all meant to be infinite!

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Check out @craigsiegel_cls

Show notes

08:56 - 11:41

Vibration and Frequency

You have to be available for it. You don’t manifest what you want but what you are – what you are able to sustain vibrationally.

Be mindful of your thoughts. People are addicted to suffering because it produces so much cortisol. Negative thoughts will keep on coming. But we are all meant to be infinite.

To operate on the frequency you want, you have to open up the doors to continuously receive. It comes down to awareness and being open and available for all.

11:47 - 12:43

Breaking the Default Mode Network

DMN helps you survive but it will keep you on the safe side, impeding creation.

Awareness is key.

12:54 - 14:23

Habits to Operate in Higher Vibration and Frequency

Learn when and how to say: I’m sorry, I’m not available for that negative thought.

Don’t spend time with people who are not on the same frequency anymore. Have conversations with people who have the vibe you want to have.

Spend your time thinking about the things that light you up. Accept the fact that this is what it is but think how you can get ahead of it.

You attract what you are being. You light up by being present.

18:40 - 19:43

Life happens for you and not to you

You don’t have to wait for a trauma to wake up and change things.

Struggle is the sandpaper for our awakening. Every struggle that comes to our life is a gift from the universe.

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