Thrive State Podcast

EPISODE 76: Biohack your Performance with the Superhuman Protocol

Episode 76: Jason Tabeau

“What am I willing to do to reach optimal health and longevity?”

Most of us might have this as the number one question in mind when deciding on our health goals.

It sounds like getting to that goal will require extraordinary measures and sacrifices. Tough decisions, huh?

True enough, nowadays, people go to such great lengths to do what was once impossible–prolong life and cheat death.

Given the whole menu out there you can choose from to give you peak performance, optimal health and longevity, I’d bet it’ll most likely get you overwhelmed and discouraged. Coz the more the options are, the more it can get complicated and harder to choose!

But what if I tell you that the best biohack is actually very simple–EARTH, WIND AND FIRE.

Yes, as simple as the most basic elements surrounding us.

Jason Tabeau, CEO of DaVinci Medical principle is simple: go back to basics. And so his Superhuman Protocol zeroes in on earth, air/oxygen and light–in that order–and can actually be done using a variety of options.

This latest episode of the Thrive State podcast gives us a peek into biohacking with earth wind and fire! Join me and Jason Tabeau go back to basics and bring that basic to a whole new level.

Show notes


EARTH: Grounding and Earthing with PMF

When you walk barefoot, you charge your body.
When you don’t have time or safe space to do it 30-40 minutes a day, you use PEMF to charge your blood and fertilize your organ systems. It promotes the absorption of whatever supplementation you’re giving your body.


WIND: Exercise with Oxygen Therapy (EWOT)

We are not getting enough oxygen these days. The diameter of narrowed microvessels are restored with hyperbaric oxygen. Reinforcing the amount of oxygen in the body will keep the microvessels healthy and the bad guys inside the body don’t like oxygen.


LIGHT: Photobiomodulation (PBM)

You are more like a plant than you ever thought. Our bodies need light just like plants do. We have chromophores meant to absorb light. There’s different light wavelengths that penetrates the cells differently.

Every one of your eleven organ systems needs the same thing.


The Superhuman Protocol: Earth-Wind-Light Order

The order should start with opening up cell space to open up more oxygen transport doors, flooding with oxygen and then light. It’s about putting the Earth’s order correctly to restore order in the body.

Jason’s Best Medicine: My Wife.

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