Thrive State Podcast

EPISODE 43: Sex, Peptides, and Rock & Roll: Latest Strategies for Peak Sexual & Optimal Wellness

Episode 43: Amy Killen, MD

All of us will get old. That’s inevitable.

Being old is not necessarily a bad thing. As we age, we gain experience and wisdom that are priceless, timeless.

But alongside aging, our body is changing. When we reach a certain age, like in our forties, we start to notice these changes.

We start to lose strength; our metabolism becomes slower; our sex drives decline; our skin becomes rough; others experience hair loss.

But what if we can delay the aging process? Or better yet, there is a way we stop these signs and reverse them. Or even better, we can look younger for our age.

Good news—nature, science, and technology gifted us tools to challenge the curse of time. “Old” doesn’t mean the same way it used to be (in one of my podcast episodes, Sergey Young reveals some of the latest anti-aging breakthroughs.)

Growing old no longer necessarily means getting saggy and grumpy.

In this episode of the Thrive State podcast, join me and my beautiful guest, Dr. Amy Killen, as we tackle interesting topics on sexual health, sexual medicines, anti-aging, and regenerative medicines.

She is a leading anti-aging and regenerative physician, specializing in “Skin and Sex.” After working as a board-certified emergency physician for more than seven years, Dr. Killen saw the effects of unchecked, chronic disease and on her patients and decided to transition into anti-aging and longevity medicine in hopes of offering her patients alternatives to the traditional aging paradigm.

Dr. Killen and her colleague, Dr. Harry Adelson, pioneered the Full Body Stem Cell Makeover, one of the most innovative regenerative procedures currently available.

She’s got you loads of expert information on the latest anti-aging therapies and improving sexual health and some very simple (but the best) ways to stay healthy.

Listen to Dr. Killen’s approach to being healthy. You’ll be surprised to hear how simple she is doing it and what, to her, is the best medicine!

To find more, please watch the whole video of this fantastic episode together with Dr. Killen. And maybe we can defy the signs of aging!

Watch the full episode of the Thrive State podcast and make sure to connect with her on IG @dr.amybkillen and Facebook @DrAmyBKillen

Check out her amazing work at,, and get exciting perks when you use the code: thrivestate.

Show notes

Dr. Killen’s switch from emergency to anti-aging and regenerative medicine:

  • Work in ER starts at 4 am—not enough sleep, not eating well, no exercise. Life was falling apart.
  • Patients coming to ER with all of their aches and pains are mostly due to living an unhealthy and stressful life, just like how she feels.

"Sex and skin"

  • For patients to start to feel great and establish the foundations of health, they usually seek help on their skin, hair, and sex life.

How important sexual health is

  • Many people, including doctors, think of sexual health as the “other “thing in health. Sexual health is essential in physical health. Sexually active people have low blood pressure, are less stressed, have a better self-image, experience less anxiety and depression. People who have sex regularly live longer. Sex is good for us, and sexual relationship is healthy.

Caring for your Physical Body

  • Reduced inflammation over time encourages blood flow. Inflammation causes degeneration of cells within the penis or in the vagina.
  • Exercise, eating healthy, sleeping, modifying stress levels could improve blood flow.
  • The main chemical messenger that tells your blood vessels to dilate and open up blood flows.
  • When we get older, we get less and less nitric oxide. In your 40’s, you create only half from your production of nitric oxide in your 20s. Plus, blood vessels become smaller, plaque buildup.
  • Get nitric oxide through your diet—green leafy vegetables, citrus fruit, dark chocolate. With the help of bacteria in your mouth, stomach acid, your body can convert nitric oxide.
    Other lifestyle factors help the production of nitric oxide in our body—enough sleep, exercise, sunlight, red light therapy, PEMF therapy.

Hormone Optimization

  • You can optimize hormones at any age. Men can increase testosterone levels by lifting weights, exercising, getting sunlight, vitamin D, protein, amino acid, and zinc.
  • By the age of 40, men see a decline in hormones. In women, some years before menopause.

Regenerative medicines

  • Exosomes, stem cell therapy improve sexual health. It supports regeneration and rejuvenation of the actual genital structures. Stem cell comes from your cell in your bone marrow, while exosomes come from placental stem cells or umbilical cord stem cell. You can use it for scalp/hair restoration, face and skin rejuvenation, also in sex organs.
  • For women: laser, radiofrequency devices for intravaginal use increase blood flow to heal tissue problems and bring back its sensation and feel.
  • Shock wave therapy for men and women: Light intensity sound waves increase stem cell recruitment to the area; help blood flows and tissue regeneration.
  • Peptide therapy: Small protein or group of amino acids that can be used for specific things.

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