Thrive State Podcast

EPISODE 101: Naturally and Safely Optimize your Manhood with P-Long Protocol

Episode 101: Judson Brandeis, MD

This one is especially for all the male members of our Thrive State community.

(Maybe also to the women, too, who are out there looking out for their man.)

Studies say 50% of men wish their manhood was bigger. Most men would almost instantly wish that they have it an inch or two longer, without knowing that it wasn’t actually about the length. It’s the greatness (girth). And greatness optimizes its function.

Ok, so I’m spilling some beans here…I understand a lot of you guys have thought of doing something about it and looked up ways to improve their manhood. Some are hesitant, some more proactive.

I get it. It’s not a conversation you have at the dinner table. Even with your best buddies, it’s not one you’ll have while playing golf or tennis.

PLUS, the fact that most of the available methods or interventions out there have been reported to bring negative side effects–if not at all catastrophic. Also, almost all of their promised improvements are either in length OR girth, not both.

So I hope this recent conversation I had with our sexual medicine specialist and Thrive State Podcast Episode 72 guest will bring you some very valuable is back with such a relieving and exciting news!

Catch Dr. Judson Brandeis, urologist and sexual medicine specialist, unpack the P-Long® Study and the protocol he’s started to naturally and safely increase the size of your manhood and maintain its optimal function.

P-Long® is the first and only clinically proven protocol to naturally increase the size of your manhood without surgery, cosmetic fillers, or negative side effects.

Joining the Thrive State Podcast for the second time, Dr. Judson Brandeis!

Find out more about the P-Long Study at

Show notes


Length = Better Function?

  • Women care more about girth. Stimulating a woman involves more of the external structures so length does not necessarily do the magic.
  • If you have erectile dysfunction, your penis will start to shrink anyway because it’s not getting enough pressure.


What happens in the P-Long study?

  • The P-Long study is the first study to ever look at both length and girth and function.
  • P-Long Protocol is the first and only clinically proven protocol to naturally increase the size of the manhood without surgery, fillers, or the risk of negative side effects. It uses the following:
    • Platelet Rich Plasma Injections
    • AFFIRM Nitric Oxide Booster
    • RestoreX Traction Device
    • Dr. Joel Kaplan Vacuum Device


PRP (platelet-rich plasma) therapy involves isolating the platelets and injecting them back into the body in a clotting cascade that initiates healing. In urology, PRP is used to improve penile and clitoral functions. An ultrasound-guided injection is part of the training protocol for P-Long providers.


Traction Device is an extremely well-researched device for peroneus disease, and it can grow the penis for about 2cm. It is used every day for 6 months.

  • Biologic systems are malleable. If you continuously apply pressure, your length can move too. But using the traction device for 8-10 hours is impossible. The P-Long study is done to find a way that’s possible for people with jobs and other things to do.


Supplements: Nitric Oxide

  • Nitric Oxide (NO) is released from the nerves into the blood vessels which causes the blood vessels to dilate. NO create cyclic GMP. Cyclic GMP is present in all mammals.
  • NO boosters are amazing because there are literally no side effects whatsoever. You can get NO from Arginine, but you can’t take Arginine orally, and it can’t be absorbed as that. So you have to take citrulline and then convert it to arginine to produce NO.
  • Another source of NO are nitrates from green leafy vegetables and beets and other root crops.


Vacuum Erection Device is a very safe device that uses collagen to improve girth.


How is this different from other ways?

  • Option 1: Injection of filler (hyaluronic acid) – you only get girth; last for a year or two
  • Option 2: Fat transfer – involves liposuction and reinjected back


Does it maintain or revert back?

  • They’ll maintain as long as they’re getting good erections.
  • Normally, a guy should have 30-60 minutes of night-time erections daily.
  • Night-time erections are the good Lord’s way of keeping your penis in shape.
  • The first sign that your circulation is not optimum is when you’re not having enough night-time erections. Ten years after you lose night-time erections, you’ll lose day-time erections. And ten years after you lose daytime erections, you will have your first heart attack.
  • Penises are a great barometer for your circulation. Understand what your body is telling you.


Who is a good candidate?

  • Everyone who has a normal erectile function.


V02 Max Testing and P-Long Study

  • V02 Max is one of the best predictors of longevity.


Dr. Brandeis’ Best Medicine: Understanding what makes people tick and how to motivate them to take better care of themselves.

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