Thrive State Podcast

EPISODE 127: Embracing Wellness with Yoga & Oral Hygiene: Teeth Talk Girl’s Journey on Thrive State

Episode 127: Whitney DiFoggio

The world of wellness is a vast, ever-evolving landscape, and sometimes, the connection between various facets of health might surprise you. This was certainly the case during my recent Thrive State podcast discussion with the fascinating Teeth Talk Girl. Her journey from being a severe runner to a yoga enthusiast while advocating oral health has been truly enlightening.

Journey Towards Yoga

Many of us found new passions during the pandemic, and for Teeth Talk Girl, it was yoga. Despite her love for running, the repetitive stress it brought to her knees led her to explore the practice of yoga. This exploration soon turned into a passion.

Her words resonate, “Yoga is not just… boring… there’s power yoga… It’s no joke and it’s my favorite thing. I wake up every single morning excited to do yoga.” She stresses the diverse nature of yoga – it can be calming or challenging, soothing, or invigorating. Above all, it’s a non-competitive practice where one can progress at their pace, a truly personal journey towards wellness.

Oral Health: More than Just a Smile

Our conversation naturally steered towards Teeth Talk Girl’s profession – dentistry. Similar to yoga, she perceives dentistry as a non-competitive, non-judgmental space. Many people fear judgment when it comes to oral health, worrying their teeth aren’t perfect, but she reassures, “We’re not here to judge, we’re excited, and we want to help you like your mouth.”

In a world where quick fixes are often sought, Teeth Talk Girl stresses the importance of professional help for dental health, particularly cautioning against DIY teeth straightening. She’s seen many cases where such attempts led to further dental complications.

The Yoga-Dentistry Connection

Throughout our conversation, an intriguing link between yoga and dentistry surfaced. Both practices revolve around self-improvement without judgment. They remind us that each individual’s journey is personal and unique, that it’s about progress, not perfection.

Moreover, both practices encourage a level of mindfulness. The focus on breath in yoga helps bring attention to the body, just as attention to one’s oral health habits can promote better overall wellness.

The Impact of Wellness Advocacy

Teeth Talk Girl’s insights and passion have undeniably made a significant impact. Through her advocacy, she has helped alter the way many people perceive dentistry. Just like how yoga has become an empowering tool for many to enhance their wellbeing, we hope that more people can come to see dental health in the same light – an integral part of our holistic wellbeing.

Final Thoughts

Teeth Talk Girl’s approach to wellness highlights an important lesson. In a world that often promotes competition, it’s refreshing to find spaces where personal growth and improvement are celebrated. Whether it’s mastering a new yoga pose or improving our dental health, it’s the journey that counts, not just the destination.

For more inspiring conversations, follow me @doctorvmd and subscribe to the Thrive State Podcast. To delve deeper into creating your own health journey, grab a copy of my #1 Amazon Bestseller “Thrive State” at, or download a free longevity guide at Your path to wellness starts today!

Remember, your health and wellness journey is a personal one. Whether it’s through yoga, dental health, or other practices, the focus is on progress and personal improvement. Embrace the journey, and remember – we’re here to help, not judge. In health and happiness, Dr. Kien Vuu.

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