Thrive State Podcast

EPISODE 44: How to BioOptimize Yourself: The 6 Keys to Living, Discipline, and Rituals

Episode 44: Sky Bear Bailey Bubnis

Consistency over Intensity.

Subtle, sustained shifts over drastic, unsustainable changes.

I must admit—there’s a lot of opposing opinions out there. Different approaches, different techniques. And I must admit, it’s got a lot to do with our commitment and boldness to make a move.

Many coaches, experts, and even individuals who just want to do it for themselves, have been working on tools for building habits and growing those habits into a lifestyle and making living-to-thrive a less overwhelming goal . In that way, there’s much more encouragement and successes leading to more encouragement and further success.

This is exactly what my guests in the Thrive State podcast have in store for us. Remember Oonagh Duncan’s Get Healthy AF with Habits-based Approach? This time, it’s coming from professional athlete, born to sport and has been in a lifelong journey of discovering and re-discovering the maging of routines and rituals—Sky Bear Bailey Bubnis!

Sky bear, from Kauai, Hawaii, spent his life traveling internationally, competing professionally with the world’s top surfers from the age of 8. Facing his own challenges, he transitioned into his second athletic career as a martial artist, and found Ashtanga Yoga, which led him to his now lifelong journey as a Yogi.

Yoga opened the door for Sky Bear to a higher state of conscious living, inspiring him to dive deep into studying health, performance, and mental wellbeing. He now works as a peak performance specialist focusing on bio-optimization, flow states, and performance transformation.

He runs organizations and programs borne out of his deeper drive to help empower others in their journeys.

In this episode of the Thrive State podcast, Sky Bear Bailey Bubnis grounds us back in to the 6 Keys to Living and shares some of his most practical tips to building discipline and consistency.

Watch this episode with BioOptimization and flow state expert Sky Bear Bailey Bubnis and find more about his amazing work by connecting through his IG @skybearb!

Show notes


Homeschooling was a powerful test of self-discipline. I was able to integrate my professional surfer life and education because I was always curious and I followed that curiosity.


Martial arts was my savior and became my obsession. It laid the foundation for me to gain the principles, morals, and values of discipline and hard work. The journey after the decision was a struggle. But coming out on the other side after the withdrawal made me a completely different person even at the cellular level.


Living with an addictive personality: I’d consider myself an addict but to other things or activities. I’ve overcome it before so I know I can do it again. The healing I’ve done has also changed my epigenetic makeup that I do not worry that one small trigger would lead me to fall deeply back into that.


Entering the healing arts: the Ashtanga practice opened my eyes to what yoga actually is and to Eastern wisdom. It is the merging of science and spirituality.


The Fundamentals of having a Balanced Life: Taking a fundamental approach to the 6 Keys to Living.


The Most Fundamental Need for Human Survival: Breath is where we start. Make small shifts.


Consistency over Intensity: Routines and Rituals are everything. Habits and rituals create who we are. Doing something everyday, even for just a couple of minutes, is powerful. Go for the compounding effect.


Skybear’s Daily Routine: Get up early, drink mudwater, write, start with a practice, take a hot shower (cleanse) and get on the mat for Ashtanga yoga, breathing exercises, athletic training, get on ice bath and superfood smoothie—and I’m ready to rock!


Developing Self-Discipline: Start small. Focus on consistency. But be kind. Turn something you want to do into a habit then into a lifestyle. Build the momentum and grow over time.


Skybear’s Best Medicine: Synchronizing breath and movement.

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