Thrive State Podcast

EPISODE 92: Best Hacks from the Titans of Biohacking

Episode 92: Ross Carter, DC

There’s literally a thousand things you can do to achieve longevity, peak performance and optimal health!

In the last Biohacker Conference, you see the endless possibilities in terms of health that is now available to us.

But the knowledge in the space could be overwhelming!

But good thing there’s a new resource that would surely help you navigate that space – the Biohacker University!

It’s like your online treasure box of regenerative and biohacking knowledge and practical info from the best thought leaders in different fields, updated regularly!

Awesome, right?

This is created by my fellow Tony Robbins fan, a biohacker and innovator himself, Stem Cell Doc Ross Carter, DC.

Doc Ross is out to guide people build first a strong health foundation so you get the miracle results you’re looking for when you apply regenerative medicine and different amazing biohacks now available around.

Get a sneak peek of what you get from the Biohacker University by listening to Doc Ross’ top tips on sleep, stress management, physical activity and more, only at the Thrive State Podcast!

And don’t forget to head on to for more!

Show notes

Biohacker University: Bridging the gap between how the public understands regenerative procedures and biohacking. It’s an online updated content that you can use to learn at your own pace
Biohacking is about building your strong foundation in the quickest ways. On top of that, then you can use longevity, anti-aging and regeneration hacks to get miraculous results.
Stem Cells – amazing healing modality but used to be highly regulated so that more people could use

  • Sleep is one of the biggest challenges people don’t usually pay attention to. Simple things to do: block the blue light. Blue light-blocking glasses to signal your body and help reset your circadian rhythm
  • Stress is part of our lives. What matters is how you deal with it. How you relax your body. Meditation can be difficult. But brain tap is an easy way that help you reset and get into a meditative state.
  • Physical activity – dynamic resistance puts you at the highest resistance at your strongest state
Best Medicine: Do not take things so seriously and let things go. Look at the positive things.

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