Thrive State Podcast

EPISODE 91: How to Make Disease Optional

Episode 91: Naveen Jain

Who wouldn’t wish for the day to come when illness becomes a choice?
Is that even possible?

I dare say: YES. And that day in the future is now becoming more and more possible.

Being in the practice of achieving longevity, peak performance and optimal health for quite some time now, I’ve met countless people who share the same dream.

Biohackers, regenerative medicine practitioners, functional medicine practitioners, scientist, health technology innovators, even entrepreneurs–we all work very hard to make having a disease a choice and empowering people to take control of that choice.

Our generation is lucky to have people like Naveen Jain, iconic entrepreneur and Viome founder!

Naveen, like myself, is a strong believer of one of Hippocrates’ greatest teachings: that Food is medicine. And so he is one of those leading innovators who works very hard on accessible testing–basically reading and listening to what our body says and what it needs.

There’s a lot of information that we can get from stool, blood and saliva that when analyzed right, could offer precise recommendations for optimal gut, cardiovascular, mental and oral health, immune system and more–even early detection of oral and throat cancer!

In a quick but very insightful episode of the Thrive State Podcast with Naveen, shot during the Biohacking Conference, he is giving us a sneak peek into Viome’s latest innovation to make illness (including cancer) easily picked up by your radar, and preventable.

Viome’s latest Full Body Intelligence Test, Gut Intelligence Test and CancerDetect are making some great headway to that dream!

Catch Naveen in this episode of the Thrive State Podcast!

Show notes

Viome’s Full Body Intelligence™ Test – most advanced, holistic test to date that offers analysis of your body’s strengths and weaknesses in terms of your gut, immune, cognitive, cardiovascular health, your biological age and actionable nutrition recommendations to optimize digestion, immunity, oral, cardiovascular, mental health, and more.

  • It gives you insight to 8 high-level Integrative Health scores that help design a customized food and supplement recommendations for you for the next 4-6 months.
  • Sample collection: Stool + Blood + Saliva
Viome’s CancerDetect™ – Oral & Throat is a breakthrough technology designed to make cancer biomarker testing more accessible and be done early!
Early cancer detection is crucial to curing it and treatment outcome.

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