Thrive State Podcast

EPISODE 66: Happiness As a State of Being Is Your Master Key To Success and Health

Episode 66: Rob Mack

Many dichotomize the causation here: Happiness makes you healthy. Being healthy leads to happiness. Can’t it be both?

Of course, it can be BOTH!
More precisely, I’d say it’s an upward spiral.

Happiness is an attractive concept both literally and figuratively, because it makes your life better in practically every way imaginable. Postive emotions has been shown to help people live longer, healthier lives. Happy people are actually a lot more responsible with respect to health such as taking healthy behaviors.

Being happy is really a master key and a cheat code to getting everything and anything else you want in your life.

In my book Thrive State, and in a previous episode of the Thrive State podcast with Jason Goldberg, I talked about how our brain is literally wired for negativity and confirmation bias and a number of other biases that make survival much more likely. 50% of our happiness is attributable to genetics but it’s changeable.

And that’s what ivy-league-educated Positive Psychology Expert, Celebrity Happiness Coach, Executive Coach, and Author, Rob Mack’s big reveal in this latest episode of the Thrive State podcast.

Happiness is actually our natural state. Overthinking, overanalyzing, perfectionism can be great for business but terrible for your personal life and subjective wellbeing. It’s terrible for happiness, peace and even self-love.

And it can be cultivated—not with money, titles or other worldly stuff—but with the simplest of things like our BREATH.
Rob is one of the world’s leading experts on the relationship between happiness and success. He helps individuals and organizations achieve an energizing balance of authentic personal happiness and effortless professional success, based on time-tested, face-valid, empirical data and timeless, transcendental wisdom.

Catch Rob Mack give us some very practical pieces to cultivate happines as a state of being and as a master key to success and health!

Show notes


Happiness is the greatest success. It’s the greatest wisdom. It’s the reason we want wisdom. It’s the reason we want love. No matter what you want, you really want this feeling that we call happiness. That is really a deep sense of content and fulfillment or peaceful aliveness.


Progress Paradox by George Easterbrook: Despite technological advancements that let people live a longer life, even higher quality of life, or even a healthier life, people were actually feeling less happy as a result of it. We probably struggle as much as we ever have to feel truly and genuinely connected to other people to ourselves. We experience a lot of cognitive overload.


Our brain is literally wired for negativity and confirmation bias and a number of other biases that make survival much more likely. 50% of our happiness is attributable to genetics but it’s changeable.


Deviating from Happiness: Happiness is actually our natural state. Overthinking, overanalyzing, perfectionism can be great for business but terrible for your personal life and subjective wellbeing. It’s terrible for happiness, peace and even self-love.


Recognize that divine discontent is pointing you to a better direction, in a direction that would make you happier in some way or the other.


A much more likely outcome from even the most challenging or disruptive forms of adversity or even trauma is actually post-traumatic growth. Most people grow from adversity and challenges. They grow even when they don’t wanna grow, even when they think they can’t grow.


Adversity always causes us to stop, slow down and reprioritize. It also weeds out relationships that are weak or not the healthiest and it strengthens the ones that are right. It helps us pay attention to gaining deeper wisdom around what our life is for, what’s it about, and where true happiness lies and where it doesn’t.


Happiness does lead to health. Happy people are actually a lot more responsible with respect to health such as taking healthy behaviors.


Happiness is not in the world. It’s in you. It’s not in the past, in the future; it’s in the present and in the presence itself.


Four big steps to cultivate innate happines: Our happiness journey is mostly about happy activities or happy actions. Create a list of things, places, activities that make you feel energized, inspired, alive, and encouraged. Reduce the time energy that you invest inunhealth unhealthy, toxic relationships and create some boundaries. Set happiness as your state of mind. Entertain thoughts based on whether or not they’re true and constructive. Don’t overthink.


Flow State: One way to describe happiness. In flow state, you’re perfectly present and you are not living from the mind, but from a deeper place.

33:49 - 35:45

How to cultivate the ‘being’: Just begin to notice when you’re perfectly at peace or feeling happy how quiet your mind is. Practice micro meditation. Enjoy your breath.


Most of us overlook the simple things. It’s the simple things that are always most powerful and profound.


Rob’s Best Medicine: Happiness.

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