Thrive State Podcast

EPISODE 156: The Road to Happiness: Overcoming FOMO and Embracing Gratitude with Rajiv Satyal and Dr. Kien Vuu

Episode 156: Rajiv Satyal

In a recent episode of the Thrive State Summit, Dr. Kien Vuu, renowned for his insightful and inspirational approach to health and well-being, sat down with comedian and happiness expert Rajiv Satyal. Together, they delved into the complexities of pursuing happiness, overcoming the fear of missing out (FOMO), and the power of gratitude in enhancing mental health.

Overcoming FOMO

The digital age has ushered in unprecedented connectivity, yet it’s also the era of FOMO. Rajiv Satyal shared his personal strategy of muting social media notifications from well-doing friends to manage jealousy and comparison. This act isn’t about ignorance; it’s about controlling when and how you engage with potentially distressing content, fostering a healthier mental state.

The Power of Gratitude

Both speakers emphasized gratitude’s transformative power. Satyal mentioned a simple yet profound practice: toasting to what happened today, rather than what one hopes will happen tomorrow. This daily practice roots you in the present, acknowledging and appreciating the day’s gifts.

Practical Tips for Happiness

Rajiv introduced the concept of a happiness quotient, focusing on activities that boost happiness and minimize unhappiness. Key strategies include:
– Being optimistic and seeking positive circles.
– Practicing gratitude by acknowledging the day’s positives.
– Viewing energy as a valuable resource, choosing activities that enrich rather than drain.

Incorporating Trusted Insights

Research supports the discussed strategies. Studies have shown that gratitude can significantly lower stress and improve overall well-being (Emmons & McCullough, 2003). Additionally, the pursuit of activities aligning with one’s values (a key aspect of the happiness quotient) is linked to higher life satisfaction (Sheldon & Kasser, 2001).

The dialogue between Dr. Vuu and Rajiv Satyal offers actionable insights into achieving a happier, more fulfilled life. It reminds us that while the digital world can trigger FOMO, we have the power to focus on the present, embrace gratitude, and choose happiness.

Remember to follow Dr. V @doctorvmd, purchase the 2nd edition of “Thrive State” at, and download a free resource guide at for more insights into longevity and human potential.

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