Thrive State Podcast

EPISODE 83: The Brain Biohack to Upgrade Human Performance

Episode 83: Dr. Patrick Porter

Who would have thought that we can biohack our brains??

For years, it was believed that our brains do not change—that we have a set number of brain cells and that they deteriorate as we age and cannot be regenerated.

But Patrick K. Porter, PhD, neuroscientist, award-winning author, educator, entrepreneur and and creator of BrainTap, proved otherwise. His decades of clinical experience and research revealed that the human brain is capable of change, improvement, and expansion.

From his decades of experience, he has been operating the largest self-help franchise in the world and has become a highly sought-after expert within the personal improvement industry. He co-developed numerous technologies and has sold over 3 million of his self-help products worldwide. In 2014, he founded the brain fitness company – BrainTap® , which leverages on then up-and-coming mobile app technlogy. Dr. Porter’s exploration truly sparked incredible transformation for thousands of people.

So here’s how: The BrainTap technology applies the same fundamental principles that we promote in functional medicine and at the Thrive State community. Our genes and how they’re expressed, and our cells changes perpetually. And how they change—for the better or worse—is influenced by their environment and the bioenergetic elements that composes it.

In my latest episode of the Thrive State Podcast, Dr. Porter explains how in psychoimmunology, cortisol and adrenaline are the two biggest killers and that stress, fear, and anxiety are the biggest factors in neurological and immune functions.

And with the continuously altered modern life and the flood of negative stimuli reaching our senses even faster in this digital era, we are nutritionally depleted, socially disconnected, and stressed out now more than ever.

Dr. Porter prescribes us with a combination of the old and the new: the latest technology on analysis and brain stimulation for optimum performance founded on ancient wisdom and practices of connection and LIVING.

Yes, as being ALIVE! Live interaction, getting yourself around nature, friends, doing things you love to do, laughing…

Get a sneak peek AND MORE of what Dr. Porter has to share with us at the upcoming Biohacking Conference! It’ll be my first time presenting and yet I’ll be followed by this amazing groundbreaking neuroscientist!

Catch Dr. Porter talk about the Brain Biohack to Upgrade Human Performance at the Thrive State Podcast.

Show notes


The Cognitive State of the World

In psychoimmunology, cortisol and adrenaline are the two killers. Stress, fear, and anxiety are the biggest factors in neurological and immune functions.

We’re all gonna get sick at some point, so it’s about taking care of the body. Supplementation is not an option, it’s essential now.

Modern life and Covid19 response made us disconnected too much from natural things.

We are nutritionally depleted, socially disconnected, stressed out. The best therapy is live interaction—getting yourself around friends, doing things you love to do, laughing.

12:08 - 15:05

What Digital Devices and Social Media Do to Our Brains

Our eyes and ears get tens of thousands of pieces of information every second but our brain cannot process it all—our biggest problem is how we filter that (our bias).

Everyone has bias—it’s called mindset. And that’s why it’s very important.


Default Mode Network and Digital Dementia

95% of our life is controlled by our subconscious. Most people try to make changes at the conscious level. But we go on default mode all the time.


Digital Dementia and Sleep

When people with digital dementia sleeps, instead of being in delta, they flip and became high beta (the wide awake state) while sleeping. This causes a dysregulated brain which can lead to dementia and Alzheimer’s if not fixed. While high delta while awake can help lessen brain fog, anxiety, memory loss, stress.

If we don’t sleep well, we don’t detox our brain. During the day, the body shuts down mainly because there’s a lot of inflammation from the we eat to the toxin exposure.


Brain Tap Technology

Applying different frequencies on each ear with matching lights to prompt the brain to synchronize


Dr. Porter’s Best Medicine: Getting the brain right each day.

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