Thrive State Podcast

EPISODE 103: The 4 Essentials of the Fountain of Youth

Episode 103: Melissa Grill Petersen, DC

Have you been trying to look for the fountain of youth?
But maybe you’re looking in the wrong place…
Maybe you’re chasing some bucket of magic water… when it’s not some mythical spring you can actually fetch and drink or bathe in.

So I’m gonna tell you a secret: It’s within YOU.

It’s such a surprise for many that the most important things in longevity, youthfulness and biological age don’t require you to look far and break one’s neck. Doc Melissa Grill-Petersen, one of the most sought-after longevity expert and author of the best-selling book, Codes of Longevity, is revealing the secret on that!

In my recent conversation with Doc Melissa as featured in the Thrive State Podcast, we’re talking about the 4 Essentials of the Fountain of Youth–all following the same principles that we talk here in the Thrive State community!

A sought out expert in the longevity space, Doc Melissa is a best-selling author, TEDx speaker and thought leader in the integrative health & wellness industry, with 20 years of experience as a Licensed Doctor of Chiropractic & Epigenetic Human Performance Coach. She has a Board Certification in Holistic Health and a Masters in Wellness Leadership and Performance, with over 1,200 hours in post-graduate studies and certifications in the field.

Doc Melissa explains that the true secret to longevity and youthfulness are actually things we can be in control of:

Mindset which pertains to our perception.
Movement which pertains to exercise–but also exercise being something we enjoy.
Molecules being the most things components we need to nourish ourselves at the cellular level like O2!
And, Meaning being the purpose that we live by and that brings us light, richness and fullness.

So whether you’re a practitioner or just an enthusiast wanting to improve your health, better catch up to this episode of the Thrive State Podcast and get a nugget of Doc Melissa’s amazing resources for longevity and thriving!

Find out more at and

Show notes

The Four M’s of Longevity



  • The mindset is perception.
  • Our perception of some things determines how fast or slow our physiology responds.
  • In a 20-year-long study, the individuals who perceived aging as a process of gaining wisdom showed to have lived an average of 7.5 years longer.
  • The moment you notice fear on any level, let that trigger your mind to look from the other side. That will train your mind to just look forward vs. back; into seeing new potentials and possibilities that will speak to your physiology and have a positive effect.



  • There is nothing that compares to exercise when it comes to slowing down the biological age (at the cellular level).
  • If you are in the top quartile of people doing exercise, you have five times less chance of dying from anything than the people in the bottom quartile.
  • We have these perceptions of what it means to move/exercise. How we perceive the rightness and wrongness is what gets us stuck, and we never move forward.
  • Move in a way that feels good for you.



  • What we miss the most are the essential molecules that the cell needs to survive let alone thrive—oxygen, complex carbs, essential amino acids.
  • Oxygen is one of the most important. We are in a chronic state of hypercar
  • We are excreting too much CO2 and not getting enough O2 at the cellular level
  • Start with being aware of your breath: Breathe slow, low, in and out through the nose.



  • A long life lived well. Of purpose.
  • Being here now and noticing what brings richness, curiosity, and light to life.
  • Just by being here now and sharing this information—consider what has meaning for you—can be a gamechanger for the future.


Doc Melissa’s Best Medicine: Love. Self-Love.

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