Thrive State Podcast

EPISODE 46: Become an Emotional Jedi Master

Episode 46: Dr. Kien Vuu

Master your emotional states to achieve success in every area of your life—health, business, relationships.

When you’re happy, the world and your life is a lot better—you are healthier, you are more likely to become successful.

And it’s not just pep talk!

Science also tells us that.

Lower vibrations, lower emotional states drive up stress hormones (cortisol) in your body, increase inflammation, and lower the immune system, collectively decreasing your cellular health leading to chronic symptoms and then to chronic disease.

Dr. Kien Vuu, author of Thrive State and host of the Thrive State podcast, has done a lot of research and wrote extensively in his book about this link between emotions and overall health. And he is sharing five simple concepts that you can adopt and work on to become an emotional jedi master!

Cultivating positive emotions joy, laughter, love, gratitude are super anti-aging medicine and are great for extending telomere length which is important for longevity and lower inflammation.

Tune in to Dr. V’s podcast to get his most practical tips to do everyday to master emotional states.

Check out his book, Thrive State, and programs when you visit

Show notes

Takeaway 1:

Master your bioenergetic state—the energy we give ourselves, either the thrive or disease state. We are all energetically connected. Work on your bioenergetic elements of sleep, nutrition, movement, stress and emotions, thoughts and mindset, relationships, purpose.

Remember the things that bring you joy and light you up. Those things are your purpose.

Takeaway 2:

Focus on your meaning. Life happening to you VS life happening for you. Shifting your focus shifts the way you feel. Giving ourselves empowering meaning and story makes us feel more joy and gratitude.

Takeaway 3:

Movement. Emotional states are tied to our physiology and how we carry ourselves. Move to shake away all the negative energy. Practice the ‘power pose’.

Takeaway 4:

Music. Put a song that pumps you up and puts you in a good mood.

Takeaway 5:

Create space and ACT. Awareness, choice and take action. It’s the choices in our lives and the decisions that we make that make us feel different. Every time you feel negative, remember that those thoughts are there to keep us safe. We don’t have to believe everything we think.

Create space between stimulus and response, like breathing. Use the power choice and take new action to access better emotions.

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