Thrive State Podcast

EPISODE 61: Competing in the New World of Work & Life

Episode 61: Keith Ferrazzi

Man’s nature is to love.

To paraphrase Keith: “Crises bring out a lot in people…it is here that arises, often than not, the need for community.”

Man is meant to bond with his community, with society to survive, to thrive, to develop to a higher level, to change his world continuously, ever-adapting, and struggling for his survival, propagation and growth.

Crises, like the pandemic, teach, and bring out the best way, the best purpose of all people which brings happiness and therefore wellness, performance, and longevity.

In this episode of the Thrive State podcast, this truth is concretely proven by our guest sharing his work, his life’s story, and his struggle amidst the pandemic.

Keith Ferrazzi, an American entrepreneur and recognized global thought leader in the relational and collaborative sciences; Chairman of Ferrazzi Greenlight and its Research Institute, introduced a new transformational operating system he calls co-elevation that leads to exponential change and value.

#1 New York Times best-selling author of Who’s Got Your Back and Never Eat Alone; and, Leading Without Authority, as well as a frequent contributor to Harvard Business Review, WSJ, Fast Company, Forbes, Inc, Fortune and other publications.

In his younger years in work, he knew that he loves what he was doing, he loves research, loves thinking, thought he would be an academic but doesn’t want to be bored; started with a group of Indians when he was at Deloitte, and created a mini institute for research. Today, one of the most prominent research institutes, Ferrazzi Greenlight, was created by him.

He found purpose in life in the work that he was doing.

In writing his book Competing in the New World of Work, he brought in over two thousand people co-elevating and became his biggest and deepest tribe leveraging on the inflections from the pandemic to not go back to the old ways but to move forward.

And so what has been his best medicine?

It’s LOVE, period. No questions asked!

Get this and more from the full episode of the Thrive State Podcast with Keith Ferrazi. See more about his amazing book and work at and

Show notes


Finding purpose in life. Purpose is something you create.. whatever level of career (or work) you’re in, you can use that as a platform, think of it as a platform. It can be a leverage to engage and create your purpose in life; instead of burdening oneself of finding it, struggle for it.


The need for community, collaboration, co-elevation The greatest steel is forged from the hottest fire. And crises (like the pandemic) bring out a lot, actually the best, from people. It brought out the need for community—for collaboration; bonding to help each other to survive and thrive.


Radical adaptability: It is applicable not only in your teams at work but also to you in your community, you in your family. Keeping radically adaptable means keeping your antenna constantly tuned to changes, opportunities and also risks.

  • Foresight and agility is to think this way: What is it that you want to accomplish this week. Make a list and at the end of the week, take a look at that list and see what are the things that you achieved, you struggled with, missed, etc. Live your life on a weekly spread. Make goals then recalibrate…and never miss it!
  • Collaboration is about having your community, co-elevating, committing into each other’s success.
  • Resilience is about mental, physical well being, and understanding it’s no longer an individual sport. You got to lean on your team for that—co-create your plan, co-create accountability.
  • Leaders need to have heightened awareness of their responsibility to cultivate an environment where people are taking care of each other; then each one should be aware of the need to adapt routine exactly as needed for mental and physical wellness.

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