Thrive State Podcast

EPISODE 168: Pratical Performance Tools Every High Achiever Needs to Know

Episode 168: Dr. Greg Wells

Hey Thrivers!

Get ready to rev up your engines because we’re about to dive into one heck of a conversation.

Today, we’ve got the one and only Dr. Greg Wells in the house, and trust me, you’re in for a treat. We’re talking about unleashing human potential—yeah, you heard me right—the kind of stuff that makes you want to jump out of bed in the morning ready to conquer the world. So, buckle up and get ready to embark on a journey that’s going to blow your mind!

Childhood Dreams and Aha Moments

Ever wonder what sets the stage for greatness? Dr. Wells spills the beans on the childhood dreams and “aha” moments that lit the fire under his passion for human performance. Spoiler alert: it’s not always what you’d expect, but man, is it inspiring!

Exploring Human Potential

From personal triumphs to advising Olympic athletes, Dr. Wells has seen it all. Join us as he shares jaw-dropping stories and eye-opening insights that’ll have you rethinking what’s possible for yourself and those around you.

The State of Human Potential Today

In a world buzzing with opportunity, Dr. Wells shines a spotlight on the untapped potential just waiting to be unleashed. Get ready to challenge the status quo as we explore the game-changing power of proactive health strategies and prevention. Hint: it’s a total game-changer!
The excitement is palpable as we gear up to uncover the secrets to unlocking human potential and reaching peak performance. So, grab your favorite beverage, kick back, and get ready to soak in some serious wisdom. The Thrive State journey is about to get even more epic!

The Powerhouse Approach

Hold onto your hats, folks, because Dr. Wells is about to drop some serious knowledge bombs. We’re talking about the Powerhouse approach—a groundbreaking method that taps into the mind-blowing energy of mitochondria to take your health and performance to the next level. Get ready to upgrade your health game like never before!

Now, take the first step towards rejuvenating your sleep and enhancing your well-being. Tune in to the episode and join the conversation on unlocking the secrets to better sleep. For more expert advice and practical strategies to thrive in every aspect of life, follow Dr. Kien Vuu on social media and dive into the wealth of knowledge in his bestselling book, Thrive State, available at

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