Thrive State Podcast

EPISODE 78: The Evolution of BioHacking and The Must Attend Upgrade Event of the Year

Episode 78: David Asprey

We’ve talked a lot about BioHacking in this community – remember folks I’ve guested in the Thrive State Podcast – Naveen Jain, Sergey Young, David Christopher, Susan Bratton, Skybear Bailey Bubnis?

What’s new, hot, the latest…
Groundbreaking technologies…

But I want us to look back a bit on the basic principles of BioHacking—revisit how biohacking has evolved, not only as a concept, and practice but also as a community.

In the latest episode of the Thrive State Podcast, we have the Father of BioHacking himself, Dave Asprey! Giving some of his insights on what we as a community of game changers and changemakers have achieved and what’s next.

More than the technology, biohacking is a concept marrying science and art.

Science of biohacking + art of living = How you live your life changes your genetic expression. The art of living a beautiful life upgrades your biology and activates the biology of longevity.

And I’m gonna be talking about this for the upcoming 8th BioHacking Conference! So catch this Thrive State Podcast episode and get a glimpse of what’s coming right up plus a special access discount.

Check it out now and use code: drvuu10 to get an additional 10% off = 40% OFF

Show notes


The changing landscape in BioHacking

We don’t get enough results from bad advice, not because we’re not doing enough. Biofeedback is a major part of biohacking.


What’s hot from the 8th Biohacking Conference

It’s not just the knowledge but also who’s delivering it. Because it’s a community.
At the Conference, you get to experience the technologies.

Doctor V x BioHacking Conference: Science of biohacking + art of living = How you live your life changes your genetic expression. The art of living a beautiful life upgrades your biology and activates the biology of longevity.

18:37 - 20:27

Epigenetics is built into the definition of Biohacking

Biohacking is not just technology. It’s actually changing the environment to change biological expression.


Being lit up is good for you and your genes. Being playful and having humor are anti-aging.


What biohacking is building: It’s our natural state to have more than enough.

Being enough is a sign of fear. So quit wanting to be enough, because you’re way more than enough.

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