Thrive State Podcast

EPISODE 93: Dangerous Traits that Activate the Biology of Human Performance

Episode 93: Dave Asprey

Are you a dangerous person, baby?

Being a ‘dangerous person’ is not all bad. Father of Biohacking Dave Asprey would tell you.

Living in such a dangerous place that is our world, building resilience takes dangerous traits. Dangerous traits that activate the biology of human performance.

If you are a dangerous person, you’d have so much energy and power to disrupt the world. And you’d use this energy to do the right thing—like saying NO when you are told to do something you know is inherently wrong.

Being a dangerous person, you have enough minerals, soluble vitamins, and fat to keep peak performance and know how to calm yourself in the face of danger.

If you are a dangerous person, you wouldn’t fold when things seem to be out of your comfort zone. Instead, you would say, ‘I got this!’

And when ‘you got this,’ you find peace. You chip into creating peace.

Being peaceful just because you don’t have the energy to do otherwise—because you’re beaten down, exhausted, and malnourished—is not peaceful at all. It is being DEFEATED.

But if you’re a dangerous person, you can peaceful by choice.

So, are you a dangerous person, baby?

In another Thrive State Podcast episode with Dave Asprey, creator of the Biohacking community, which has transformed my life in so many ways, we talk about the dangerous traits that could actually disrupt the world and change the track of your health and performance.

Catch Dave, also the founder of Danger Coffee, share his latest innovation and biohack to activate the biology of human performance in this episode of the and on these amazing spaces:,,, and

Show notes


Upgrade Labs for more accurate body scan.


Evolution of Biohacking

Biohacking is a global movement now. It’s hard to know where biohacking is going to go, but it’s now a part of society. When I came up with the idea of biohacking, it was a spark. Right now, it is a fire. As biohackers, we are in charge of ourselves. We end up disrupting what’s happening in the world.


Traits of a Dangerous Person

  • They have so much energy, who knows what they might do. You have the energy and power to also do the right thing—like saying NO when you are told to do something you know is inherently wrong.
  • If you have enough minerals, soluble vitamins, and fat and know how to calm yourself, you increase your resilience even in such a dangerous place. It’s the sense that ‘you got this’ that creates peace in the world.
  • Being ‘peaceful’ because you’re beaten down, exhausted and malnourished is not peaceful at all; that’s defeated. I want people to be peaceful by choice.


Ways to Defeat the Default Mode Network

  • Turn off the triggers with EMDR, trauma healing, etc.
  • Get the right food and supplements. You need the right energy from the right intake to create more awareness and be able to identify the DMN patterns and make choices beyond that. If you eat foods that put you in a high-power state, you are better able to meditate. Go for a diet that leaves you bursting with energy and meditate, and you’ll see what more it can do for you.
  • Select better programming with new Upgrade Labs technology.


Danger Coffee: Ultraclean with trace minerals in ionic form that binds the toxins in the gut and puts minerals back into your cells.


Dave’s Best Medicine: Modafinil and Caffeine.

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