Thrive State Podcast

EPISODE 186: Harnessing Emotional Health and Ancient Wisdom for Longevity with Dr. Josh Axe

Episode 186: Dr. Josh Axe

In a recent episode of the Thrive State Podcast, I had the pleasure of sitting down with Dr. Josh Axe, a renowned expert in the fields of traditional Chinese medicine, nutrition, and holistic health. Our conversation delved into the fascinating connections between emotional health, longevity, and ancient medical wisdom.

The Default Mode Network: Your Brain’s Survival Mode

Dr. Axe and I discussed the default mode network, a primitive part of our brain that operates on autopilot. This network absorbs the beliefs and values of those around us during our upbringing and stores memories of trauma. If we live in this ego-driven state, it can lead to chronic stress, disease, and a host of health issues.

Studies show that shifting our focus from ourselves to serving others can quiet this default mode network. This reduction in stress leads to decreased cortisol levels, reduced inflammation, and enhanced immune function. Purpose, love, and acceptance are powerful medicines for the brain.

Traditional Chinese Medicine: Emotions and Organ Health

Dr. Axe emphasized the wisdom of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), which recognizes the deep connection between emotions and organ health. For instance, fear affects the adrenal glands, leading to a fight-or-flight response. Chronic fear can wear down these glands, disrupting cortisol and other hormone levels.

Similarly, worry affects the upper digestive system, anger impacts the liver, and grief affects the lungs and immune system. Anxiety can elevate blood pressure and strain the cardiovascular system. Understanding these connections allows us to address the root causes of physical ailments through emotional and spiritual healing.

Longevity Foods: Nourishing Your Body for a Long Life

When it comes to extending lifespan, real food trumps supplements. Dr. Axe highlighted several longevity-promoting foods from traditional Chinese and Ayurvedic medicine:

  • Green Tea and Matcha: Rich in polyphenols, these teas support longevity.
  • Royal Jelly: Found in raw honey, it sustains the queen bee and can boost human health.
  • Ginseng and Dong Quai: Used in TCM for men and women over 50.
  • Ashwagandha and Reishi Mushroom: Known for their longevity and immune-boosting properties.

For optimal health, focus on consuming whole, nutrient-dense foods rather than relying on isolated compounds found in supplements.

Practical Takeaways

  1. Serve Others: Shift your focus from self to service to reduce stress and boost immunity.
  2. Understand Emotions: Recognize how emotions affect organ health and address them holistically.
  3. Eat Real Food: Incorporate longevity foods like green tea, royal jelly, and medicinal herbs into your diet.
  4. Hug More: Physical touch releases oxytocin, promoting emotional and physical well-being.
  5. Embrace Faith and Gratitude: Spiritual practices and gratitude can significantly enhance your health and longevity.

For more insights and resources on achieving optimal health and longevity, follow me on Instagram @doctorvmd, get the 2nd edition of my book “Thrive State” at, and download a free resource guide at

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