Thrive State Podcast

EPISODE 88: Supercharge Innovation with Disruptive Thinking

Episode 88: Chris Barton

Ever wonder how people like Elon Musk, Steve Jobs and the big names out there who has led innovations in their lanes come up with those ideas?

Are they born geniuses?
Or did they get it from some other planet’s reality?
Or are they just curious, quirky and unique but persistent enough to follow their ideas?

How is innovative thinking connected and can be nourished by the same habits you need practice for optimum health?

Chris Barton, the founder and first CEO of Shazam, would say supercharged innovation is actually born out of the simplest things and not the other way around.

And this method goes back from a thousand years! Yes – from the practice of the first thinkers like Aristotle. Scientists call it “first principles thinking” or thinking from the ‘basic truths’. And in the latest episode of the Thrive State Podcast, Chris shares his Five Unexpected Methods of Disruptive Thinking to help people supercharge innovations.

Chris is a three-time startup founder, pioneer of mobile ecosystems at Google and Dropbox, advisor to startup companies, inventor of 12 patents including one found within the Google search algorithm, and a former strategy consultant serving many industries. He now delivers inspiring keynotes that transform innovation within organizations.

Learn disruptive thinking to supercharge innovation with innovative keynote speaker and founder of Shazam, Chris Barton!

Get it in this special Thrive State Podcast episode from our Exclusive Men’s Group!

Check out Chris at

Show notes


Aspects of Innovations

Everyone is creative internally. But innovation has two aspects: creativity in coming up with the idea and following through. The latter is 90% of the equation.

There are ways to train and come up with game-changing ideas.


Rituals for Creativity

For Chris, exercise helps. The combination of exercise and the meditative state that he enters when running helps in creative thinking.

Pro tip: Have your phone handy to write the ideas down when it comes up.


Five Unexpected Methods of Disruptive Thinking

The ingredients of game-changing innovations starts with grounding to your basic truths.

  1. Creative persistence – Seeing it through; not only persistence but finding creative solutions
  2. Eliminating friction – strive for simplicity; “all you have to do is” is a sign of too much friction
  3. Picking your obsession – innovation lock in on where you believe; stick to it even in the face of resistance
  4. Connect to emotions – pull from the heart
  5. Non-consensus insight – hold your convictions; but as a leader you have to communicate that


How is Innovation connected with Emotion

Your team builds connection emotionally when they contribute ideas and understand how it can be an act of service–by impacting people.


Chris’ Best Medicine: My son. And vitamin B!

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