Thrive State Podcast

EPISODE 86: Creating a Company that Uses Food As Medicine

Episode 86: Ari Tulla

Despite having the most sophisticated technology and medical education, why do we still fail to ensure people’s health?

I, myself, experienced this. I went to a prestigious medical school, became a triple-certified medical practitioner, I have access to the most advanced technology in interventional radiology practice and yet I was diabetic, overweight and completely unaligned to what impact I imagined my profession could make in this world.

That’s when I asked: What if that was not medicine? What if medicine is within us and we just totally forgot about it?

That’s when I started thinking about how to align my practice to what I want to leave for this world. How do we bring empowerment of health to the masses?

I recently had a conversation with Ari Tulla, co-founder and CEO of Elo Health. It’s amazing how we share the same vision: empower people to be the CEO of their own health.

In the Thrive State community, we dedicate a lot of time to understanding how nutrition influences the bioenergetic environment of our cells and contribute to peak performance. Like Ari and his team in Elo, we believe that food is either poison or medicine.

Elo, which in Finnish translation means “life” or “happiness” is a smart nutrition service leveraging your personal biometric data to give you precisely calibrated supplement recommendations, underpinned by science and expert guidance. It helps you turn nutrition into your best medicine.

This is not the diet app that pops in your Facebook ads asking you to answer a quiz. This next level service making the best health guidance more accessible to all!

Want to know more about Elo and how Ari Tulla is building it? Catch Ari in my latest episode of the Thrive State podcast!
Ari Tulla @umbar

Show notes


The Problems in Our Health Care System

Despite developing the most sophisticated technology in healthcare, American healthcare system continue to fail people because:

  1. We have a system where the three main actors (providers, pharma companies and payers) are not aligned. They have been pulling the triangle further and further apart that raises the cost of healthcare.
  2. Millions of people are not covered at all.
  3. We are NOT accountable for our own health.


Nutrition is the game of medicine

We’re just burning the candle with exercise if there’s not enough sleep (recovery) and proper nutrition.

Every day is a vote whether we want peak performance or be sluggish. Food is either posion or medicine.


Building Elo Health

In Finnish, Elo means “life” or “happiness.” Elo Health is a smart nutrition service leveraging your biometric data to give you precisely calibrated supplement recommendations, underpinned by science and expert guidance.

It’s not about the ideas. It’s more about the execution of those ideas. Build milestones to get you there.

This service is especially for people that don’t have thousands a year to spend to get the best help from a healthcare professional. Elo was born out of its founders’ belief that people deserve better than the low-quality supplement products available today.


Ari’s Best Medicine: Community of people that care about each other.

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