Episode 13: William Hung
This episode will pluck your heartstrings but I assure you it’s all a happy ending.

Show notes
00:00 - 05:00
William Hung: “Well, there initially when I got famous for my American Idol audition, there were media and critics writing things like I portray Asian stereotypes. And to this day, even people like Jimmy o Yang, and Joe Rogan would criticize me, they would say, like Jimmy says, like I’m setting back Asians, 10 years, Joe Rogan would say something like, I’m mentally challenged….”
05:00 - 15:00
Negativity and Bashers
William Hung: “I don’t let those negative comments get to me, I do read them, I am aware of them. But I don’t worry about like, oh, next time I speak or next time I perform, there’s gonna be somebody throwing tomatoes at me.”
15:00 - 25:00
Covid-19 and 2021
William Hung: “No, it’s actually got worse. Um, so as of this recording right now, I live in Los Angeles. And I just got breaking news that they’re about to run out of ICU beds. So yeah, so it’s pretty grim. But in terms of like, light, like, what I’m where I’m going. I never thought that this was possible. But earlier this year, um, someone introduced me to a platform called cameo.”
25:00 - 39:00
William Hung: “Chase your dreams authentically. And the most important thing is to keep trying something new, so that you don’t have regrets later on in your life..”
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