Thrive State Podcast

EPISODE 141: Discovering the Real Essence of Success: Beyond the Material World

Episode 141: Rebecca Heiss

In our latest podcast episode, we had the honor of conversing with Dr. Rebecca Heiss, an expert in human behavior and stress response, who enlightened us on mastering our inherent fear mechanisms. Her insights are not just transformative; they’re accessible, and they remind us that understanding our stress and fear is the first step to conquering them.

Dr. Heiss introduced the T-Minus Three Technique, a revolutionary approach that involves a conscious acknowledgment of stress, leading to a physiological and psychological reset. It’s a reminder that our reactions to stress are deeply individual, and managing them requires an understanding that goes beyond generic advice.

One fascinating takeaway was the concept that curiosity and fear cannot coexist. This statement holds significant implications for our stress management strategies. By fostering curiosity, we can effectively disrupt the cycle of fear, opening ourselves to a more proactive and solution-oriented mindset.

Additionally, the discussion delved into the science behind ‘manifesting’ – a term often dismissed as pseudoscientific. Dr. Heiss’s explanation brought validity through a biological and quantum mechanics lens, illustrating that what we focus on, whether positive or negative, shapes our reality. This concept is echoed in positive psychology research, which highlights the benefits of gratitude and positive thinking on overall well-being (Seligman, M. E. P., & Csikszentmihalyi, M. 2000).

The conversation wouldn’t have been complete without touching on the role of failure. Both Dr. Heiss and I resonate with the understanding that failure isn’t just a part of life; it’s a necessary component of growth. It’s in those moments of ego dissolution, as Dr. Heiss eloquently put it, that we discover our true selves.

For more insights and transformative strategies, I encourage you to listen to the full conversation. Follow me, Doctor V, @doctorvmd for more health and wellness insights, and don’t forget to check out the 2nd edition of my book, ‘Thrive State,’ your blueprint for optimal health, longevity, and peak performance, available at

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