EPISODE 02: Mary Pardee, ND
I am sure a lot of you are asking WHY? Why this topic? Well, let’s make it short. It’s simply because there are things that only Doctors know and can explain to you. In this episode, I am pleased to introduce Dr. Mary Pardee. She is an Integrative Gastrointestinal Specialist and a Founder of Modern Medicine. She joined us to discuss your health and how your gut affects your everyday life.
Join us and you might just know what your stool color is trying to tell you – cool stuff and more!

Show notes
00:00 - 05:00
Expectations vs. Reality
Dr. Mary Pardee: “ If you’re having multiple bowel movements per day, they’re going to get smaller as the day goes on, just because there’s less to evacuate there, which is totally normal as well. And in terms of frequency, you know, having one bowel movement every day up to three or four, also toward totally normal, and sometimes it’ll fluctuate a little bit depending on the person. Now with color, there’s a wide range of colors that we can see with hoop, some of it can be dependent on what you’re eating, right, it’s normal to have red poop. If you just had beats, right, it can turn it like a purplish red color, if you didn’t have that. And red is never normal.”
05:00 - 15:00
Bowel Movements
Dr. Mary Pardee: “Yeah, and this is just if you know, the basics are off. So this is the place to start. But having six to nine cups of vegetables per day, that’s a must, we’re not eating enough vegetables, our ancestors ate about 100 to 150 grams of fiber each day, average American eat 15 or less per day, we’re talking about 10 times in the fiber, you can’t do that overnight. If you do that overnight, you’re gonna feel super bloated, there’s gonna be a lot more gasp than 10 per day. But you want to gradually increase the amount of vegetables, especially non starchy vegetables that you’re consuming.”
15:00 - 25:00
What is Microbiome and why is it important?
Dr. Mary Pardee: “I think that the microbiome is like one of the most fascinating areas that we have right now in medicine. It’s it’s a collection of microorganisms that reside within us and on us and we can talk about microbiome, we have a nasal microbiome, we’ve got an ear microbiome, we have an oral microbiome, we have a vaginal microbiome for women, we now know that the placenta is not sterile. So we have microbiomes everywhere. The one that I’m more focused on is the intestinal microbiome because it’s in the gut.”
25:00 - 33:56
Leaky Gut
Dr. Mary Pardee: “It’s crazy. It’s silly, it doesn’t exist. And now intestinal permeability, which is the formal name for leaky gut is well established in the medical literature. And so sometimes we have to be a little bit more open minded in the beginning when we don’t have a ton of the research because we might have it later on. And so I fall somewhere in between, like, I’d like to see a little bit of research, but you also don’t want to rule something out when it’s really likely to be there. And we see it in a few years. So leaky gut, intestinal permeability is the bigger, big name for it…”
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