Episode 12: Kyle Cease
Be it in your career, your health, or other personal goals.
Like no matter what you do, you’re always taking one step forward and two steps back?
It happens to us all at some point. You’re striving to hit a goal, and for whatever reason…but you just can’t reach it. It’s a frustrating feeling… probably one of the worst feelings you can have.
Good thing, we have Kyle Cease, best-selling author, and award-winning comedian, to help us cry these frustrations out, and love and laugh about the fears that have held us back!
Kyle is such an amazing, experienced spiritual surgeon right here to help us dissect and transform our mindset and gear us up to the THRIVE STATE.
In the podcast episode with Kyle, he reminds us of what we often don’t realize: avoidance, constant resistance, and judgment of that feeling are, in fact, what makes us powerless. Not the fear itself.
The source of almost all of the pain that we have inside is the gap between the level of awareness that we have and the level by which we live. This gap is where the fear grows. And it is by hanging on to the beliefs around this sick gap, the past, and its traumas, or anticipating the future and its uncertainties that we get trapped.
So what’s the antithesis? Being the NOW…being in the permanence that’s beyond the body and beliefs.
As humans, we’re always evolving and we always have the choice to evolve or contract ourselves. The more we heal the inner child in us (the trauma usually from our childhood that’s causing 99% of our pain), the safer we feel and the more expansive we become.
And when we create that expansiveness, we create the space for true success, happiness, and healing.
It’s really up to us! Because we’re these self-healing beings. Changing our story, our mindset changes the way we feel about things. And these changes have actual manifestations in the biochemistry of our bodies. The story itself is medicine. You, yourself is your best medicine!

Show notes
- Don’t make sense out of it—let the feeling be there. Let yourself be scared. Love your fear. Because the avoidance, constant resistance, and judgment of that feeling are what make you powerless.
- You have to start listening to the ‘now’ because the now is trying to purge your story. When you listen to the silence long enough, it takes your false identity and purges it.
- Kyle’s rule to self: Do a career that will expand you. Evolving Out Load is literally me coaching myself out loud and the audience can take any of the by-products.
- As humans, we’re always evolving and we always have the choice of evolving or contracting ourselves.
- The source of almost all of the pain that we have inside is the gap between the level of awareness that we have and the level by which we live.
- Our cells are receivers of the energy that we provide to it—the two main signal that we’re sending is either we are in Thrive State or the danger state.
- Rediscovering or remembering who we are is just love. Love is still the answer.
- You’re no way you are just your belief. You’re not your body because it’s changeable. So what are you? You have to only be this moment. You have to be the all-encompassing space. You have to be permanence that’s beyond the body and beliefs. You have to be just now. And when you accept that, it can transcend your limited stories.
- A huge lie that we all live in is when something happens, I’ll be happy. When you think that something is the source of your happiness, you become dependent on it and you think ‘I’d better get more and I can’t lose this.’
- I started discovering total freedom and joy—it was better than any accomplishment I’ve ever had. This started the shift from ‘when-something-happens-I’ll-be-happy’ to ‘when-I’m-happy-things-will-happen.’
- The egoic part of you that wants to run everything is actually in the way of real success. The universe got you.
- If you change your story, you change the way you feel about things. And that actually changes your biochemistry in your body. The story itself is medicine.
- The Wisdom and Healing from Our Children: Knowing and experiencing that I would (and I do) love my daughter no matter what made me realize that I didn’t need to be something to be loved and worthy. Experiencing this kind of love was a healing experience.
- The Gift on the Other Side of Loss: The part of us that always sought a person’s approval will wither along with our grief for losing that person. And then we become more present in our own moment. Loss or the dark has this other side to it.
- 2020 and the Other Side of the Pandemic: From God’s perspectives, this is all of us learning and releasing; learning our patterns, purging our past to be more present. Up until 2020, many of us have our life comfortable enough but not thriving on what we truly are.
- The more I heal my inner child, the more I’m safer, the more expansive I am and the more expansive she is. I’m not here trying to parent from a place of what could go wrong. I’m here expanding myself and finding my own inner compass.
- Your kid is your reason—not your reason you can’t, but your reason you have to.
- Kyle’s Best Medicine: My daughter and the NOW.
Learn more about Kyle’s transformational work from his video Every Man Needs To See This. Get the Absolutely Everything Pass—200 hours of amazing content—for just $29 at evolvingoutloud.com and kylecease.com/everything.
Relevant Links:
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- World Building
- The Healing Power of Decision
- Courageous Love - Overcoming Assault, Addiction, and Divorce
- The Easy Way or The Heart Way - Master Your Cardiovascular Health
- The Medicine of Authenticity and Intuition
- The Healing Power of Being in the NOW
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