Thrive State Podcast

EPISODE 39: Live Greatly by Beating Stress and Nurturing Self-Love

Episode 39: Kristel Bauer

In this competitive world, we can get really hard on ourselves—be it in our career and financial goals or even with small details about our lives.

But isn’t it just causing us stress that actually negates whatever gain we get from it? Is the stress really worth it?

Try and listen to your body and you’ll get the answer.

In my book Thrive State, I’ve talked about at length how our physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual energies are all connected. If you change things in your physical routine, things will shift and it’s going to shift the way you feel and think.

Managing stress is not really that difficult to do if we learn to listen and follow the things that genuinely lit us up.

Take it from Kristel Bauer.

Kristel founded Live Greatly to help people achieve optimal health in mind, body, and spirit to attain success. She is a wellness expert, integrative medicine fellow, physician assistant, podcast host, and speaker inspiring others to live their best lives. She utilizes her extensive healthcare background and expertise to provide support for individuals, organizations, and companies to optimize well-being & performance.

She firmly believes that you don’t need to sacrifice your well-being to be successful! Kristel is the host of a top 1% podcast “Live Greatly” where she talks with the top minds about wellness and success. Kristel has been featured in Forbes, Podcast Magazine, and Forest and Bluff Magazine and has been live on the ABC 7 morning show and Ticker News.

Getting back your activation energy by finding something that’s very easy and small enough to do. And keep those small promises to yourself. Once you achieve one, celebrate it and build up from there.

Give goodwill points to yourself! Regeneration and wellness is the best reward you can actually give yourself.

Get this and more tips for handling stress and building habits that beat stress, fatigue, and negative energy from Kristel Bauer!

Watch the full episode of the Thrive State podcast with Kirstel and check out her amazing work at!

Show notes


It didn’t always feel like it was enough. I didn’t feel totally satisfied. I had this vision of going into medicine and help people, but there’s a flip side to it too. Learning integrative psychiatry and teaching made me feel good, invigorated, and excited. I was listening to that internal tap on the shoulder. I’ve started to explore that and figured it out.


These days, people can just easily lose their spark; lose themselves, or get off the path to the stressors of day-to-day life. Taking time to come back to that internal compass to listen to it and to add that fun is so important.


Practical Tips to Get Back on Track: Take baby steps. Big, unrealistic goals can hold you back. Get the momentum going and be proud of yourself.


Handling Stress and Fatigue: Food is a huge piece of the puzzle. If you’re eating inflammatory foods throughout the day and you’re drinking tons of coffee throughout the day, you’re going to have highs and lows. You’re going to feel tired. Consult with an expert. Supplements also help with energy.


Hacks from the Experts: Go for a walk and incorporate mindfulness and meditation to bring you back to the present moment, and calms down your brainwaves. Air in nature relaxes your body and puts you more in a parasympathetic state. Tap into your senses.


Practice diaphragmatic breathing. When we’re stressed, we clench our muscles of the abdomen and we breathe shallowly. Relaxing and breathing through your belly activates the vagus nerve, your parasympathetic nervous system, and starts to get you feeling a little bit more relaxed.


I like taking time for myself. Whatever that looks like for you, start there and build from there.


Techniques to help people change states quickly: A lot of it comes down to our perspective. It’s easy to get caught up in negative self-talk, which is a human thing. When I’m frustrated about a situation or I have a belief or thought that doesn’t serve me, I’ll ask myself, how can I view this in a way that empowers me? And that question of myself gets me out of it because I realize there are more ways to view this. Reframe things to be more supportive of yourself.


On Food Choices: iI’s a very personalized choice. But if you do eat meat, pay attention to what you’re eating. Choose those raised sustainably. Animal protein is slightly superior because it contains leucine. Eating a lot of plants is very good for your health. Whatever your diet is, listen to your body.


Crystal’s Best Medicine: Self-love. Nurture and develop self-love.

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