Thrive State Podcast

EPISODE 95: Myth Busting and Roadmap to Human Potential

Episode 95: Joel Evan

The holiday season is right around the corner!

Ready for endless dinners out and feasts with family and friends?

Aside from being a challenging time for your diet, this is that time again when we almost promise to do a hundred things differently in the new year. It’s not all bad! But why wait for the new year to do something for yourself??

In Joel Evan’s experience being a life and health coach, people come to him for weight loss, But when asked what’s the biggest barrier to losing weight, the answer is usually not nutrition related. It’s about being consistent and committed.

It’s a myth that the right nutrition, exercise, sleep and those other healthy habits you need for optimal health and peak performance are difficult to find and do. Knowledge is at your fingertips. But the mindset to do so, that’s something else.

Joel Evan, host of The Hacked Life Podcast, and an Integrative Health Practitioner (Level 1/2) trained under naturopath/ functional medicine doctor, Stephen Cabral, helps busy and motivated people lose weight and get to the root cause of their health issues. Joel has been heavily influenced by a disruptive culture known as “biohacking,” thus his show, The Hacked Life Podcast.

And in this latest episode of the Thrive State Podcast, Joel gives us some hacks around mindset, limiting beliefs, and values—the overall mentality one must have about their goal.

Let’s get this Myth Busting and Roadmap to Human Potential with Joel Evan!

The Hacked Life Podcast

Show notes


Myths on Vision Process

  • Pick something and do that one thing. Do that really well and see what works for you. Start stacking those small wins.
  • Visualization. It is one of the easiest ways to reprogram the subconscious. Do the Perfect Day Exercise. Take 15 minutes of your day and write out in detail what your perfect day would look like. Compare with your reality and see the gaps. This is a great exercise to align with your truth.


Myths on Fasting: Is it all just caloric deficit?

  • If your goal is to lose weight, there are great benefits and good data from fasting. When there’s no energy around, we go through a process of autophagy.
  • Short fast: If you’re eating all the time, you secrete insulin all throughout the day, exhaust your pancreas and develop insulin resistance. Long fast: Autophagy.


Recommended Books: Thrive State


Myths on Healthy Eating: Does it really cost too much money and time?

  • It’s a myth! There’s ways to do it without sacrificing the integrity of the food you eat. Example: Breakfast: Smoothie. Easy. Lunch: Salad with protein. Don’t waste too much energy because 30% of our energy is spent on digesting. Dinner: Have some carbs so you won’t have to worry a holiday dinner.
  • Hack: Sardines in olive oil is a great source of protein and omega 3 but also heap and very accessible.


New book coming up: A simple manual to get healthy, condensing the knowledge, habits, and systems on nutrition, exercise, detox, mindest, etc.


Joel’s Best Medicine: Get out there and take the best action.

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